Rat Holic | zh

韩国歌坛带有英式摩登摇滚风味的三人组合“狂恋乐团LOVEHOLIC”,在偶像团体与悲情慢歌为主体的韩国歌坛,创造了一股“新韩乐”的风潮。   2002年诞生的2男1女韩式新潮流系摇滚组合“狂恋乐团LOVEHOLIC”,有着魔法般的音乐旋律、时尚精神的创造力,以及独特的女声演唱风格,他们的出现无疑是开启了韩式新摇滚的另一乐章,不过分突显情感表现,反以一种自然清新的方式来诠释歌曲,这也正是他们不同于其它歌手的地方,保留原始的韩国味音乐,再融入英伦及美式摇滚的风味,一种令大众听来舒服又新鲜的音乐就此产生贵。 .
Catholic Spit is an ominous '77 punk-inflected rock'n'roll band from Ventura, California. http://catholicspit.bandcamp.com/ .
Founded in 1997 the Surfaholics didn't chase a special concept, they've just been a bunch of friends who got the same rock&roll attitude circulating thru their veins. In 2001 they recorded the EP "knee deep in gasoline" there they found their home in energetic punkrock with a shot of Rock&Roll. From that time on many things happened, so they played about 150 live shows with bands like The Business, The Real McKenzies, the Turbo ACs and the Beatsteaks, only just to announce even a couple of them. Furthermore in 2002 a split CD with the garage rockers from Rodriguez was...
Blackholicus started in 2001 as a power trio and evolved into a full-on four-piece thrash rock band, dual leads blazing, in 2004. With femme-punk vocals, sci-fi and fantasy themes, virtuosic bass and immaculate guitar leads, the four have unleashed a classic metal firestorm for the first half of the new millennium and have sworn an oath to rock until they die. Their debut album, "Variations in Death Minor," earned rave reviews in several Austin publications. .
Hardcoholics was originally a hardcore duo ceated in '98 in Marseille consisting of two artists : DJ Loky (Wilfrid Wouters) and Kyo_o (Jean-Marc Melet) . Later on they have been joined by Ingrid Losfeld AKA Leeloo DJ Loky comes from the hip-hop scene where he started playing in '95 with a local band and quickly becomes fond of electronic music and computers. Kyo_o is a Manga, computers and video-games fan, that's why he naturally came to Hardcore : His sound as Dj and composer is violent and futurist , wheather in Hardcore or Techno. In '97 , they start making...
找到了 30 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:04:07
(Koi-No) Rat Blues
(Koi-no) Rat Blues
Fat Rat Surfer
Secret Track
Mr. Hiro
Run! Run!
Run! Run!
Silver Bullet
Surf Party
Surf Party
Surfin' Chihuahua
Mr. Moto
250cc Rider
Good Grief
250cc Rider
Little Woody
Little Woody
Out Of Limits
Surfin' Alligator
Church Key
Surfin' Alligator [Live]
Yu-Hi [Live]
Red River Rock
Church Key [Live]
Red River Rock