Rogers and Hammerstein | zh

There are at least three artists with that name: 1. a country music star, 2. a slide guitar player and 3. a house producer from the 90's 1. Roy Rogers (born Leonard Franklin Slye) (November 5, 1911 – July 6, 1998), was a singer and cowboy actor, as well as the namesake of the famous Roy Rogers Restaurants chain. He and his second wife Dale Evans, his golden palomino Trigger, and his German Shepherd Dog, Bullet, were featured in over one hundred movies and The Roy Rogers Show. The show ran on radio for nine years before moving to television...
Rodgers and Hammerstein were an American songwriting duo consisting of Richard Rodgers (1902 – 1979) and Oscar Hammerstein II (1895 – 1960). They are most famous for creating a string of immensely popular Broadway musicals in the 1940s and 1950s, during what is considered the golden age of the medium. Five of their shows were outstanding successes: Oklahoma! (their first collaboration); Carousel; South Pacific; The King and I; and The Sound of Music. Among the many accolades they garnered were thirty-four Tony Awards; fifteen Academy Awards; two Pulitzer Prizes; two Grammy Awards; and two Emmy Awards. The pair wrote nine...
肯尼·洛杰斯于1938年8月21日出生在Texas的Houston,原名Kenneth David Rog-ers。 Kenny Rogers 先前组过“洛杰斯及马西那乐团”(Loggins & Messina Band),这个乐团活跃于70年代前期,在与吉姆与西那合作期间,他们曾创作许多首颇具影响的歌曲,如《Your Maina Don't Lance》、《My Music 》和《Thinking Of You》,并获三张白金唱片和五张金唱片。1976年这个二重唱组合解散后,Rogers又尝试了多种流行音乐:灵魂、软摇滚、乡村摇滚以及抒情歌曲等。 直到一首电影主题曲《浑身是劲》(Fo-otloose)的成功,使Rogers平淡却稳定的音乐生涯爆出了眩目的火花。这首歌曾是1984年销售量最好的单曲之一,而且获得了奥斯卡最佳主题曲的提名。Rogers还加入了《四海一家》(We Are The World)的录音阵容。 之后,他又推出了专辑《Vox Humana》,在这张唱片中,多位歌星鼎力支援,包括有P-ointer Sisters, Rhilip Bailey等,Roge-rs的个人作品在这张专辑中占了极大的篇幅。 《Vox Humana》是否能将Rogers推向巨星的颠峰宝座还将拭目以待,这位已有15年乐龄的摇滚歌手说过:“许久以来,我以歌唱为乐。……说真的,我实在不知道我还能做什么事。我对其他的工作可是一窍不通啊!” 这位执迷于音乐的歌手十分了解他的音乐对于乐迷的吸引力所在:“也许是因为我写的都是些感情音乐……是音乐艺术教导我如此富有感情。我知道我溶入的感情越多,得到的回报也越多,而这些就是支持我的精神力量。” 他的歌声情深意切,耐人回味.多少个夜里反复聆听着难以如眠! mike dungan曾经说过“kenny rogers is a true american classic, and one of the most widely recognized personalities in the world,” 也许我们不能了解他有多伟大,但我们却能倾听他的声音。 .
(I hated seeing the Sandy profile blank so I am putting my plea for more Sandy into the artist profile box.) Okay, I am not a writer but I am a listener...and I LOVE Sandy Rogers, I wrecked three, that's right THREE, Sandy Rogers cassettes of the Fool For Love soundtrack (it's also how I met my now ex-big flame) and have been waiting for years YEARS! for the damn thing to be released as on a CD...why? Because it's Sandy and she's a whole lot more that the one song on R.Dogs soundtrack. 17+ years later and I still...