San Antonio Harbour | zh

安东尼奥·维瓦尔第(Antonio Vivaldi,约1678-1741)是巴洛克鼎盛时期意大利著名的作曲家、小提琴家和音乐教育家。出生在威尼斯的一个音乐家庭,父亲是圣马可大教堂乐队的小提琴手,维瓦尔第自幼跟父亲学习小提琴和音乐,1713年起任威尼斯贫女音乐学校的音乐指导和乐长,并每月创作两部以上的协奏曲供这个乐队演奏。除作有大量由一把小提琴及乐队来演奏的小提琴协奏曲外,尚作有不少用两至四把小提琴或木管乐器来演奏的协奏曲和实为管弦乐重奏曲的大曲等,作品以富于民间色彩和生活气息而著称。此外,还有歌剧十余部,以及康塔塔、经文歌、三重奏鸣曲、奏鸣曲等。最著名的作品就是小提琴协奏曲《四季》。他的音乐天才启迪了后来的巴洛克大音乐家,尤其是他丰富的作品和新颖、科学的歌剧创作方法,刺激了现代意大利作曲家的好奇心。 小提琴协奏曲《四季》大约创作于1725年,是维瓦尔第五十岁时发表并献给波希米亚伯爵W·冯·莫尔津的一套大型作品《和声与创意的尝试》共十二部协奏曲中的第一部到第四部,合称《四季》,其中的旋律至今仍长盛不衰。四部作品均采用乐章协奏曲形式的正宗标题音乐。维瓦尔第在总奏与主奏交替形成的复奏形式上,巧妙地配以标题。在维瓦尔第之前,还没有人以标题音乐的方式谱写过协奏曲。由于维瓦尔第的《四季》属于标题音乐,所以从形式上看,自然较其他协奏曲显得自由而且不平衡,但这样反而更能表现出巴洛克时期的特点及魅力。这四部作品画意盎然,激发出人们对巴洛克时代音乐的浓厚兴趣。 《四季》由四首三乐章的协奏曲构筑而成,分别描绘春、夏、秋、冬四个季节。维瓦尔第在每一曲的总谱扉页上各附有一首解释音乐的14行诗,用以说明音乐的特性,并且还把这些诗行分散地写在各乐段或乐句上,使音乐和文字联系起来。其实,没有这些文字的辅佐,维瓦尔第那细致入微的刻画已经使他所要描绘的内容赫然易见了,加上这些文字,只是更加强调出作品的标题性而已。因此整部作品情景交融,绝不是难以进入的艰深之作,即使初听古典音乐者也可一听之下,“入耳即溶”。 .
Antonio Orozco is a Spanish singer-songwriter from Barcelona, Spain. He has won several prizes like the Premio Onda and sold lots of records, his first album sold more than 100,000 copies, whereas his second album titled Semilla del Silencio sold over 300,000 copies. In 2005 he released a self titled album Antonio Orozco, which was a compilation of his best songs (twelve in total) that eventually propelled him into stardom outside Spain, mainly in Latin America and other parts of the world. Some of his better known songs include: "Te Esperaré" and "Déjame". He is known as well because of...
Antonio Aguilar was a popular Mexican singer, actor, producer and writer. He was from a small town in Zacatecas called Tayahua and was born on May 17, 1919, Died 19 June 2007. This town is close to Villanueva, Zacatecas, Mexico. The story goes that he came to California undocumented and that he slept for three days in the Plazita Olvera or Olvera Street in Los Angeles. He began his acting career during the Golden Era of Mexican Cinematography. He is credited with exposing the sport of la charrería, considered to have originated in Mexico to international audiences. Antonio Aguilar began...
Harbour (USA) is a 5-piece Indie/Pop/Rock band from Lebanon, Ohio. They are Ryan Green (guitar/vocals), Levi Snyder (bass), Harrison Miller (drums), Matt Starcher (guitars/vocals) and Marshall Sallee (guitar/vocals). They released their first album "Harbour" in 2014, and their last single "Runaway Kids" was released in 2016. ---------- Harbour is a pop punk band from Toronto, Ontario, Canada formed in March 2012. They are currently unsigned and have two EPs available for download at their bandcamp, For more information visit: ---------- Harbour(UK) are an outfit from the South-West of England. They play a mix of acoustic and electric...
Born in Cali, Colombia, Antonio Cobo began taking guitar lessons at age six on an instrument given to him by his grandfather; it would become his companion while traveling throughout South America and while living for three years in Spain, Italy and France. Demonstrating the abilities of a natural prodigy, Cobo was sent to the Settlement Musical School at Temple University, Philadelphia; by the age of 16, he was already a music professor for classical guitar at the Music Conservatory, a position he held for five years. Subsequently relocating to Europe, he studied with Andres Segovia and Alirio Diaz. Expanding...
找到了 74 歌曲, 持续时间: 07:35:17
Romantic Avenue
Bounty Island (San Antonio Harbour Remix)
Romantic Avenue
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Coral Triangle
Neon Colors (Extended Mix)
Bounty Island (DJ Shah_s San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Coral Sea (DJ Shahs San Antonio Harbour Mix)
11 San Antonio Harbour Romant
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Romantic Avenue (Sundown Mix)
Bounty island(San Antonio harbour mix)
Dont Wake Me Up (San Antonio Harbour Dub)
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Don't Wake Me Up (San Antonio Harbour mix)
Romantic Avenue
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Dont wake me up (san antonio harbour mix)
Romantic Avenue (DJ Shah's Original Mix)
Romantic avenue
Bounty Island (DJ Shah San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Neon Colors (Mixed)
Neon Colors (Extended Mix)
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Romantic Avenue (DJ Shah's Original Mix)
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Bounty Island (DJ Shahs San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Romantic Avenue (DJ Shah's Original Mix)
Romantic Avenue
Don't Wake Me Up ( San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
dont wake me up (san antonio harbour mix)
Romantic Avenue (DJ Shah's Original Mix)
Neon Colors (Original Mix)
San Antonio Harbour - Romantic
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
The Lonely Road [Mixed]
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Romantic Avenue (DJ Shah's Original Mix)
Romantic Avenue (DJ Shah's Original Mix)
San Antonio Harbour - Romantic
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Bounty Island (DJ Shahs San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)
Bounty Island (DJ Shah's San Antonio Harbour Mix)