Smokey Wilson | zh

Wilson Pickett (March 18, 1941 – January 19, 2006) was an American R&B and soul singer. Known for his raw, passionate delivery, he played a major role in developing southern soul music. Aided immeasurably by the excellent studio bands backing him at the Stax Studios in Memphis, Tennessee and at the Fame Studio in Muscle Shoals Alabama, Pickett created iconic hits such as "In the Midnight Hour," "Mustang Sally," and "Funky Broadway" for Atlantic Records between 1963 and 1972. One of the most popular black singers of the 60s, Wilson Pickett helped introduce the aggressive, rhythmic style of black music...
查尔斯肯特威尔逊(生于1953年1月29日) 70年代初期来自奥克拉荷马洲的Charlie Wilson,偕同擅长喇叭、 键盘等乐器演奏同胞兄弟Ronnie及贝斯手Robert,同为音乐著迷不已而组织起Gap Band乐团,以教堂演唱起家,随后经历街头卖艺表演短暂岁月,发行过不甚成功专辑,1979年推出"I Don't Believe You Wanna Get Up To Dance(Oops Upside Your Head)"一举打入黑人榜Top4,登陆专辑榜No.10之首张同名专辑,终将Gap Band知名度带起。进入80年代接著三年创下"Burn Ribber(Why You Wanna Hurt Me)"、"Early In The Morning"、"Outstand“Uncle Charlie”又发新片啦,在上张专辑“Uncle Charlie"大获好评3年后,“查理叔叔”发行了他第五张录音室专辑。专辑还是“查理叔叔”一贯的Urban R&B风格;还是一如既往的好听和入耳。整张专辑还是查理叔叔依旧的甜美和养耳风格,一张简单,真挚;让人轻松,愉悦的专辑,听了让人十足开心。查理叔叔的演唱还是那么舒适和自然。喜欢这个经典男歌手的歌迷不可错过这张专辑。  Charlie Wilson,美国著名灵魂蓝调男歌手,他是著名R&B团体The Gap Band的前成员。90年代初后单飞之后至今发行了5张录音室专辑,都获得了广泛的好评和关注。同时他也是美国著名抗癌斗士,他在08年被诊断出患有前列腺癌,但是由于发现早以及拥有的坚强意志,这个癌症很快就治愈。但是他从此开始关心这个病情,并且参与了大量这个癌症的慈善和示例活动。现在他已经是美国前列腺癌组织的发言人。一直致力于这个癌症的各种宣传预防以及慈善活动。ing"冠军纪录,取名The Gap Band II至V等四张专辑,全都缔造百万销售佳绩。  分於1992及2000年展开单飞个人事业的Charlie,推出【You Turn My Life Around】、【Bridge The Gap】两张专辑,参与Snoop Dogg+The Neptunes团员Pharrell Williams连手打造全美Top6之"Beautiful",以及Snoop Dogg+Justin Timberlake合作的"Signs",赢得更多掌声。2005年转换跑道,由R. Kelly操刀、谱写多首单曲的第三张个人专辑【Charlie,Last NameWilson】,甫以七万馀张销量空降全美专辑榜Top10。无论开场"Magic"或是攀上节奏蓝调榜No.11同名首攻曲"Charlie, Last Name Wilson",散发R. Kelly般诱人滑顺嗓音施展出媚惑十足的音乐魔力;赢得世界快嘴饶舌王称谓,来自芝加哥的才子Twista,在"So Hot"一曲中贯入点燃舞池火热高潮之鼓动节拍;偶像歌手晋升实力唱将的Justin Timberlake以及呛烧冠军团体黑眼豆豆灵魂人物will. i. am,将"Floating"营造出如同"Beautiful"般Funky/Soul音韵,极具排行实力之推荐作;Snoop Dogg感恩回馈在"You Got Nerve",释出史奴比狗狗随性痞式之调调;出生加拿大,以Neo-Soul乐派进军歌坛的Glenn Lewis,淋上醇美浓郁灵骚声线於"Thru It All"中,Charlie Wilson全新再出击,绝对能为他个人事业高峰添入一笔亮眼纪录!  2010年在上张专辑“Uncle Charlie"大获好评3年后,“查理叔叔”发行了他第五张录音室专辑。专辑还是“查理叔叔”一贯的Urban R&B风格;还是一如既往的好听和入耳。整张专辑还是查理叔叔依旧的甜美和养耳风格,一张简单,真挚;让人轻松,愉悦的。 2013年这次Charlie Wilson在BET颁奖礼上被授予终生成就奖。 .
William "Smokey" Robinson, Jr. (born February 19, 1940) is an American R&B and soul singer and songwriter. Robinson is noted for being one of the primary figures associated with the Motown record label, second only to the company's founder, Berry Gordy. As both a member of Motown group The Miracles and a solo artist, Robinson recorded seventy Top 40 hits for Motown between 1959 and 1990, and also served as the company's Vice President from 1961 to 1988. Early years and formation of the Miracles Robinson was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and was nicknamed "Smokey" as a child,...
Over the past few years in the music industry Liam Wilson has firmly established himself on the underground scene as an exciting young talent using his technical expertise. Gaining respect from Clubbers, Promoters and label owners alike, it is undeniable that he has a bright future in EDM.From cutting his teeth around the Manchester circuit and performing on the turntables at club nights such as GOODGREEF, RONG, and FIRE IT UP, using his unique blend of trance Liam has had the opportunity to perform alongside superstars such as, Eddie Halliwell, Judge Jules, Giuseppe Ottaviani, John O'Callaghan, Marco V, Richard Durand...
找到了 85 歌曲, 持续时间: 06:31:06
03 - Annie Lee - 1977 - Blowin Smoke (1992)
Tell Me Baby
02 - Go Go Train - 1977 - Blowin Smoke (1992)
Second Man
Stepping Stone
Drunk Broke and Lonesome
Looking for You
White Man's Blues
Her Memory (Keeps Kicking My Ass)
What Else Can You Do
How Smokey Feels
Smokey's Shuffle
Smokey's Shuffle (1983)
How Smokey Feels (1983)
Go Go Train
88th Street Blues
You Better Watch Yourself
High Time
Sun Is Shining
Annie Lee
You Don't Love Me
Missing You
Night Time
How Many More Times
04 - Tell Me Baby - 1977 - Blowin Smoke (1992)
Whisley Fool
Go Go Train
I Wonder Why StrangeTthings Are Happening To Me
01 - Night Time - 1977 - Blowin Smoke (1992)
Hard Cold Steel
I Didn't Know
Blazing Texas Sun
Texas Dance Hall (Schroeder)
Smokey Room
88th Street Blues (1983)
You Better Watch Yourself
Standing At The Crossroads
Sun Is Shining (1983)
Texas On My Mind
88th Street Blues
I Got Something On You Baby
Ballad of Bobby Kurtz
You Don't Love Me
88th Street Blues (r)