Stockholm Monsters | zh

Of Monsters and Men是来自冰岛的独立民谣乐团,由6位团员组成,包含男女主唱。乐队成立于2010年并在同年获得了Músíktilraunir音乐竞赛冠军。他们在2010年荣获冰岛音乐竞赛「Músíktilraunir」的冠军头衔,隔年2月签给Record Records唱片公司,9月即在冰岛发行首张专辑《My Head Is an Animal》,大获好评,专辑和主打歌"Little Talks"一发行就冲上排行榜第一名的位置,在美国电台首播以后询问度破表。由于在冰岛的成功还有美国的高人气,Of Monsters and Men之后签给国际知名的Universal唱片公司。先在2011年12月20日发行首张EP《Into the Woods》,收录之前首张专辑中的4首歌曲"Little Talks", "Six Weeks", "Love Love Love"和"From Finner"。在2012年3月展开北美巡回演唱,并于4月3日在美国发行首张专辑《My Head Is an Animal》,比去年在冰岛发行的专辑多了"Mountain Sound"和"Slow and Steady"两首歌曲,另外附赠主打歌"Little Talks"的音乐录影带,让歌迷一次满足,绝对是张值得收藏的好专辑。在2011年,他们发布了首张专辑My Head Is an Animal,并在美国公告牌排行榜取得了第六名的成绩。 出道时间: 2010年 3出道地 冰岛 4成员介绍 Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir (联合主唱,吉他手) Of Monsters and Men Ragnar Þórhallsson (联合主唱,吉他手) Brynjar Leifsson (吉他手) Kristján Páll Kristjánsson (贝斯手) Árni Guðjónsson (键盘手,手风琴) Arnar Rósenkranz Hilmarsson (鼓手) .
A collaboration between Clint Ruin, and The P!zz (noted skater artiste) and Buttstain. As Thirlwell related it, The P!zz and Buttstain would describe sounds and Thirlwell (Ruin) would create them, although 'Powerhouse!' is more of a cover than an original composition played by The Raymond Scott Orchestra in the 1930's, and also appears in the same format on the Steroid Maximus 'Gondwanaland' release. [source:] .
Surrounded By Monsters is a six piece act from Denton, Texas that began in late 2007. From the begining SBM was bent on bringing something new and refreshing to the Dallas/ Ft. Worth hardcore metal scene, and that is exactly what they have done over the past years and not only in the DFW scene. They have branched out into many different states country wide due to eight DIY tours and tons of online promotion. Its easy to see that SBM is one of the hardest working unsigned bands in Texas. In may of 2009 they released their second E.P....