The Soul of John Black | zh

Throughout the month of May 2007, Yasu and Acid Black Cherry went on a secret nationwide tour of Japan, culminating in a show in Shinjuku which was webcast live to the world. Their first single, SPELL MAGIC, released on July 18, 2007, debuting at #4 on the Oricon Singles Charts in Japan. ABC's second single, entitled Black Cherry, was released on September 26, 2007, followed by a third single (November 28, 2007), Aishitenai. Their fourth single, entitled Fuyu no Maboroshi, was released on January 16, 2008, to the number one spot on the Japanese Oricon Singles chart. All the singles...
微温的歌唱情绪,年轻随性的创作文采,就跟David Gray、The Wallflowers主唱Jakob Dylan、Dave Matthews这些深受美国Adult Rock音乐电台宠爱的歌手一样,John Mayer在麦克风前总是能自在的散发笔下的词曲文采,弥漫着高度的亲合力,瞬间解除听歌者的情绪武装,首支单曲"No Such Thing"自2001年夏季推出后,一年来依然高居美国成人摇滚电台的热门播放榜,在Billboard成人榜入主Top5及流行单曲榜Top13佳绩,首张专辑《Room For Squares》,在口碑的推波助澜下,跃升到Billboard流行专辑榜TOP 15,并且停留榜上40周之久,更在美国CDNow网站销售名列前10名,滚石杂志不但给予专辑4颗星的超高评价,还将他与凡妮莎、艾薇儿等人列为 2002年最值得瞩目的新秀歌手之一,连乐坛前辈艾尔顿?强都对Mayer赞美有加,2002年夏季更获得MTV音乐录像带大奖最佳新进艺人提名。 在康乃迪克州听着流行电台播放的音乐长大的John Mayer,13岁那年,邻居送他的一卷Stevie Ray的录音带,让他开始接触到蓝调音乐,两年后就抱着吉他在小镇上的蓝调酒吧弹唱,不久后,他觉得自己不太适合吉他领域,只因他不喜欢时下弹奏指法的复制风气,19岁前往波士顿伯克利音乐学院就读,希望能锻炼出独特的风格,Mayer念了几个月后,忽然发现自己对弹唱音乐的兴致远高于乐理研究,于是在98年到亚特兰大著名的唱作家俱乐部'Eddie& #039;s Attic'驻唱,99年推出专辑作品《Inside Wants Out》后,他的六弦吉他与真诚的词曲深获地方性传媒的赞赏,2000年3月,Mayer前往德州奥斯汀参加'South By Southwest'音乐大会的演唱,随即被哥伦比亚音乐厂牌签为旗下歌手,同年秋季与Dave Matthews Band、Ben Folds Five的制作人John Alagia筹备专辑《Room For Squares》,随后还与传奇制作人Jack Joseph Puig (Eric Clapton、Weezer、The Black Crowes的专辑制作人)到洛杉矶进行专辑混音工程,现年23岁的Mayer对于唱作的执着表示说:“当你听到一首不错的歌,你会想办法查出那个唱歌的人,当你可以唱出那样子的作品的时候,大家就会不断的倾听你的歌声。”听着 "No Such Thing"、"My Stupid Mouth"、"Neon"、"Love Song For No One"等一首首关于不安、爱慕、期部B等待与随想的唱作,把自己的心情与这些小品系在一起,随着恣意的节拍飞向天际,感受蔚蓝的年轻摇滚活力。 .
J Soul Brothers is an all-male Japanese R&B group. The first incarnation of the group came about in 1999 when former member of the Japanese group Zoo, Hiro, startet a new R&B group with the dancers Matsu, Usa, and Makidai, and singer Sasa. The group disbanded in 2001 when Sasa decided to embark on a solo career, and the remaining members went on to form another Japanese R&B group, Exile. In 2007 Hiro decided to revive the group with all new members: singers Nesmith and Shokichi, and the dancers Kenchi, Keiji, Tetsuya, Naoto, and Naoki, with Hiro on producing duties....
Black Beat (블랙 비트) was a boy band from South Korea formed in 2000. Black Beat belonged to SM Entertainment. A few of their members have appeared elsewhere, but for the most part their public appearances (and subsequent popularity) have been limited. This can be attributed to a number of things: the waning popularity of poppy rap and the decreasing amount of SM Entertainment's PR power (which since 2004 has focused on a few core groups and singers). Their last appearance was the 2006 Winter SMTown. Their disbandment was confirmed in 2007 when lead vocalist, Jang Jin Young teamed up...
找到了 72 歌曲, 持续时间: 04:53:08
Ever Changin' Emotions
Thinking About You
New York to L.A.
Johnny Bear (Give It To Me)
[2009 - Black John] - Last forever
MAMACITA (Bachata Remix DJ John Moon)
Thursday Morning
[2009 - Black John] - Push into the night
Thursday Morning
Thursday Morning
Can't Be Helped
[2009 - Black John] - I knew a lady
I Wish I Was Makin' Love
Scandalous (No.9)
Sunset Drive / #slowdance
MAMACITA (Sergey Hobs & John Bis.T Remix)[Radio]
Early In The Moanin'
Thursday Morning