Years Of Rice And Salt | zh

戴米恩·莱斯(戴米恩·莱斯 生于1973年12月7日) 是一名 爱尔兰 民谣 歌手, 以 O 和 9两张专辑闻名。 他出生在 都柏林, 爱尔兰, 父亲是乔治·莱斯,母亲是莫琳·莱斯。戴米恩成长于 Celbridge, Kildare县, 爱尔兰。 戴米恩·莱斯曾经是Juniper、Bell X1的成员。Juniper乐团是个摇滚团,曾发表过"The World Is Dead" 和 "Weatherman"两张单曲。 Damien Rice 来自爱尔兰,出生于七十年代早期,绘画与写歌是他青年时期的兴趣,也因此让他有了组团的念头,在"O"的专辑内页有些插画便是 Damien Rice 自己的作品。在 1997 年他组了一个名为 Juniper 的团,前后发行了三张 EP,"The World Is Dead" 和 "Weathermen" 这两首单曲也成为电台热门歌曲,但因为合约问题无法录制完整的专辑,于是在 99 年 Damien Rice 离开乐团前往 Tuscany,并从此在欧洲流浪了一年(好羡慕),之后又回到了都柏林,想办法筹钱录了一张 Demo,寄给了制作人兼电影配乐家的 David Arnold,Arnold 很喜欢他的 Demo,于是便安排 Damien Rice 在他的录音室录了第一张 EP -- "The Blower's Daughter",在 2001 年发行后这张 EP 登上了排行榜前 20 名,也促成了接下来 "O" 这张专辑的发表,果不其然,"O" 在 2002 年发表以后立刻获得广大的好评,除了举行了六周的巡回演出之外,也出现在许多乐评的年终投票名单上。(以上数据参考 AMG 与其它网络数据) 这张专辑的成功,除了 Damien Rice 充满真挚的歌声外,女声歌者 lisa hannigan 与大提琴手 vyvienne long 也功不可没,lisa 的歌声非常地动听,在专辑里时而主唱时而合音,与 Damien Rice 搭配地极佳,也让整张专辑听来更为完整而动人。而 lisa 每一下都好像直接拉在心房上的大提琴,更是完全衬托出这两位歌者那直接而真诚的歌声。 Damien Rice声音的渲染力,甚至可以将歌曲的情绪化为实质,然后直接传到听者的心上,他对乐器的感觉和协调性也非常出色, 可能是他小时候学过画的缘故,除了专辑封面和内页的插图出自他手之外,在他的吟唱之下,那些背景音乐仿佛组成了一幅异常美丽的图画,这一点在第六首《Amie》中表现到了极致.当然专辑中的《Cheers Darling》《The Blower"s Daughter》《 Cold Water 》《Volcano》等其他歌曲,不夸张的讲,都是让人一听就疯狂为之吸引的养耳歌曲,特别一提的是《The Blower"s Daughter》《...
Saltatio Mortis is a German folk metal band formed in 2000. Their motto is "Those who dance don't die", which represents their music style. .
Keyboardist/singer/songwriter/arranger/musical director Patrice Rushen has had an outstanding career with several Top Ten R&B hits, including "Haven't You Heard," "Forget Me Nots," "Feels So Real," and "Watch Out." Arguably she has received much of her popularity through other acts copying or sampling her material. "Forget Me Nots" was the basis of Will Smith's "Men in Black" from the blockbuster movie of the same name on Big Willie Style and George Michael extensively used the same track for his hit 'Fastlove'. R. Kelly's "Remind Me" was sampled from her "You Remind Me," a popular radio-aired LP track from Straight From the...
There are several bands sharing this name 1. Metal band from Los Angeles, USA 2. Blues, rock, southern rock band from Texas, USA 3. Blues duo from Australia 4. Japanese/Norwegian Metalcore/Screamo/Electro-band 5. Rock band from Zambia 1. Salty Dog was a sleaze metal band that infused a Led Zeppelin style vocal delivery to their bluesy brand of rock'n'roll. Their one and only album was filled with guilty pleasures that should have made them stars, but sadly didn't. Formed in Los Angeles by Jimmi Bleacher (vocals), Scott Lane (guitar), Michael Hannon (bass) and Khurt Maier (drums). Lane left the band in...
Lee Brice (born June 10, 1980 in Sumter, South Carolina) is an American country music artist. Signed to Curb Records' Asylum-Curb division since 2007, Brice has released four singles to country radio, all four of which have charted on the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts. Brice has also co-written singles for Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw and Adam Gregory. Lee Brice was born June 10, 1980 in Sumter, South Carolina. As a child, he learned to play the piano in addition to singing in church and writing his own songs. He entered and won three different talent contests in high school....