kd lang and The Reclines | zh

Busy saving the city from the brick wall arm crossing and the casual head nods, Brooklyn's own Body Language has risen from the DIY venue basements armed with the kinetic dynamite you would expect from the name. Their original music was born from weekly dance party remixes crafted by Grant Wheeler and Matt Young, and graced by the soul stylings of Ms. Angelica Bess. Their efforts, which illustrated their arrival into Brooklyn, were delivered in a five track EP called “Speaks". Since the EP release, Body Language has been touring with Zero 7, Sia and burning holes in New York...
姓名:Solange Knowles    全名:Solange Ijiat Knowles    出生日期:1986年6月24日 身高:173厘米 出生地:美国德克萨斯州休斯顿市    现居地:美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市    家人:Tina Knowles(妈妈)Mathew Knowles(爸爸)Beyonce Knowles(姐姐)Daniel Smith(丈夫)Daniel Julez Smith Jr. (儿子) 职业:歌手,作曲家,演员,模特,舞者和DJ 简介 出生于德州休斯顿的Solange幼年即学习舞蹈与戏剧演出,在舞蹈指导老师的鼓舞下,Solange立志投身娱乐圈,深受Janet Jackson启发的她在5岁的时候就以选唱Shanice畅销曲《I Love Your Smile》在游乐场的歌唱大赛中初展歌唱才华,带着姊姊演唱的老爸总会想尽办法安排Solange上台开唱,而在舞蹈、歌唱之外,她在7岁时就已经开始动笔创作词曲,12岁的时候还帮制作人为Destiny's Child所制作的歌担任编曲,逐渐迷上录音室的创作与制作气氛。在家人以学业为重的劝导下,Solange暂时将13岁时的歌唱梦想搁在一旁,但是,就在同一年,原本为Destiny Child巡回演唱担任舞蹈的舞者在巡回上路前四天怀孕,在无法临时甄选替补人员的情况下,Beyonce建议由Solange递补,Solange这一跳就跟着姐姐的乐队巡回跳了两年,Solange的父母也以此次巡回作为评估小女儿是否可以承受娱乐圈压力的参考,经过两年的考验,16岁那年,Solange就与唱片公司签下合约,并展开专辑录制。 .
Kathryn Dawn Lang, OC (born November 2, 1961), better known under her stage name, k.d. lang, is a Grammy Award-winning Canadian singer and songwriter. She is regarded as one of Canada's foremost female vocalists, as well as a champion of legal equality for LGBT people. Her singing talent has lent itself to a wide range of genres, although earlier works, such as 'Angel With a Lariat' and 'Absolute Torch and Twang' (the last of which won her a Grammy Award for Best Female Country Vocal Performance) were predominantly country, with hints of jazz and salsa. Later works, including Ingénue and...
[1] LANGUAGE PDX is a 3 piece electro indie loops based band from Portland OR. [2] Language are a 5-piece alternative/rock band from Bath [3] Language was: James Lee, Maxim Rad, Bob Carter, Eddi Reader, Nassim Khalifa, Debbie King, Steve Hale & Daniel Bontjes Van Beek. [4] Language - are electronic/post rock band from Tokyo, Japan Official site: http://www.language.ne.jp/ .