Erica | ar

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Music has been a continuous release for this young woman. Singing since a very young age, Erica was not always sure that music is something she wanted to make a career. Initially starting of as a child model and actress, music and writing was always something that Erica could turn to and enjoy undoubtedly. However, over the past few years she realized that she could no longer deny her passion and slowly but surely made the decision that this was more than an escape but something she wanted to make into a lifestyle.

Unlike most, Erica does not come from a musical family who influenced her musically. Her own personal drive and appreciation for the craft of writing is what steered her into the direction of the radio and her mother's old records and cd's as a child. Thus far Erica has had the opportunity to work with some very talented individuals such as B. Howard and Kenny McCloud. However, what she's really seeking is a team of producers that are willing to devote time to her and make this music thing happen! All of her recording on this page she recorded on her Mac and she did all the arranging and recording....therefore excuse the roughness!

Erica is completely driven to reach her goal of becoming an established recording artist but refuses to jepordize herself and what she believes music should be to reach that goal. So watch out because you might see this face more often!

Source: The CD Bare Bones is by Erica and the much loved. and not attributable to the above artisr .

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