Koordinate Of Wonders | ar

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One of the reasons to invent new words or misspell existing ones when you name something, is to make people who search the internet for information about your creation find just the relevant data and nothing else. Perhaps this is the case with Koordinate of Wonders. The original name of the band is in Russian Координаты Чудес, named after a short story by science fiction writer, Robert Sheckley.

KoW is a two person project with Yuri creating most of the music and Anton focused on promotion. They first started their music making experiments together back in 1998. The results were and still are highly melodic and tending toward the IDM flavour.

Koordinate of Wonders have played together with some of Russia’s top electronic acts including EU and Klutch. Labels taking notice of Koordinate of Wonders include Gizmo Lab (Belarus), SHUM (Russia), Toytronic (UK) and a netlabel Please Do Something (US). .