Melissa Indot | ar

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Selectively impulsive, compromisingly obstinate, warm at heart and a stickler for details, Melissa Indot is a walking contradiction. Malaysia born and London bred; Melissa’s influences, tastes and thoughts have been peppered with exposure to both cultures at an early age. Her melodies incorporate contemporary and retro sounds. Groovy tunes that move the soul, flavoured with intuitive lyrics that soothe the mind. Each song tells a story that listeners at different points in their lives can identify with. The difference can be heard through her use of real instrumentation, deep bass grooves, hypnotic pulses and epic string sections, all linked by her ethereal vocals.

Melissa recently composed the music and wrote the lyrics to “I am Malaysia” to commemorate the 50 years of Independence of Malaysia. Melissa composed the music and wrote the lyrics of 90% of the songs featured in the album and is hands on with the music production and vocal arrangement of all the songs.

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