Noctis Notus | ar

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Noctis Notus is a brazilian heavy thrash metal band formed in March [year formed]2008[/year formed] in Porto Alegre, RS by lyrical soprano and rock singer Juliana Novo (Crucifixion BR drummer, former Dremora singer, former Lamented Despondency singer, previously member of the choir of OSPA).
'Notus' is the god of south wind in greek mithology, which symbolizes our south wind called 'Minuano' added to latin word 'Noctis' which completes the nocturnal & cold aura of the wind.

The sound is a join of Heavy Metal and old school Thrash Metal feel with powerful yet captivating rock/operatic female vocals, making something creative and original in the worldwide female fronted metal scene.

They have played in some festivals around the south of Brazil, including The Global Battle Of The Bands, and they are the headliners of Ladies in Metal Festival, event which happens every year in São Leopoldo, Brazil. In the meantime, Noctis Notus are recording an EP entitled "The Hateful Hours", scheduled for release in 2012.

The band also took part on the fourth Femme Metal Records compilation named "Melody and Malice", and the compilation "World Of Glass" by World Of Glass Promotions, both released in 2011.

Nowadays the band is also formed by: Alisson Martinho (Onigattai, Call Me The Breeze) on guitars, Matheus Souza (Crucifixion BR) on bass, Marcos Strapazon (Hell's Keeper) on drums, having the special guests Geovane Lacerda (A Sorrowful Dream) on bass and Diogenes Lima (Opus V from São Paulo) on keys for the upcoming gig supporting Tarja Turunen in April 2012. .

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