Sergeant Thunderhoof | ar

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Psychedelic, groove rock from the dark realms of Somerset

Prime cuts of riffs served with a side of tasty psychedelic mushrooms, garnished with a sprinkle of doom croutons.


"a psychedelic riff laden monster that blends Doom, Stoner Rock Hard Rock and Groove Rock. This album is dripping with class. If you want some new riff kings to follow or worship then Sergeant Thunderhoof is the band for you. Brilliant and highly recommended" - SludgeLord

"I could be lazy and throw out names like Black Sabbath, Kyuss, Monster Magnet and so on to try help get across the sound of this band and whilst that would be on the money, The Hoof are so much more than stoner/doom rock. They blend a wonderful space-y vibe into tracks that surprise and delight. This is an unbelievably excellent debut release. One that you will never tire of." - Echoes and Dust

"bombastic stoner-doom, atmospheric post-sludge and post-prog. Quality work" - R.A.I.G.

"commands attention from beginning to end. Zigurat effectively demonstrates the bands diverse influences borrowing as much from thrash, post-metal and space rock as they do from traditional doom and desert rock. Even greater things are bound to follow" - Hevisike .

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