This City Sunrise | ar

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The band has recently changed their name to Gatherer.

This City Sunrise are equal parts tension and release. They take the breath taking backdrop of New Zealand and it's many beautiful landscapes, and combine it with a jilted, desperate grasp for the ears of people who place individuality before stereotypes and copy cats.

Do not mistake them however, these three kiwis aren't trying to change the world. They only seek the subtle joys of sharing an appreciation for hard work, art that dares to be different, and the healing properties of music in which one person's sorrow can be another person's saviour.

Without a doubt the most passionate and ferocious live show delivered by a New Zealand group, they have no plans to stick around. With international goals, they hope to take a new element of 'the kiwi sound' and deliver a reputation previously unheard of to their home land.


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