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Born Clifford Winton, 1982. Grew up in Newark, DE, where he found camaraderie in the fledgling IDM scene around 2000 with other artists in the the area. Went on to live in Arizona for 7 years where started VJing in the rave/EDM scene. In 2014 he released a music video compilation entitled 'Seredipity' that combined his early music with his later video work. In 2015 Vostek can still be found making music and VJing in the mid-atlantic region. .
Anton Steklov is a classical guitarist, a master of soft and beautiful sounds, and a virtuoso performer of music of different styles and times. Anton Steklov was born in Moscow, in 1964. He began his study of music under the direction of S.Mirzoyan at the Beethoven school, and went on to graduate in 1987 from the Gnesin College, where he studied under the direction of A.Kachanov. Acquaintance with the famous Russian pianist Oleg Boshnyakovich exerted Anton Steklov great influence, forming his creative development. From 1999 to 2002 Anton Steklov studied at the Detmold High Music School in Muenster, Germany, where...
Annabelle Chvostek (born in Toronto in 1973) is a Canadian singer-songwriter based in Montreal. She is known for her rich singing voice, compelling lyrics and genre-spanning musicality, as well as her work with harmony trio The Wailin' Jennys. Official website: .
Ghostek's sound is a ghostly twist on underground music. Full of field recording and found sounds, his music is immersive, really allowing you to fade out and slip into the sounds. He has a few strong collaborations with such artists as Roof Light (Ghostlight), VVV, Sorrow, Sleepyhead, SQZ ME to name a few. Released on labels: M.U.D// Other Heights// Tamed Musiq// Shipwrec// DSC// Styrax// DPR// Connaisseur Recordings// Origami Sound// Sub Squared// Silk Recordings// Bad Panda// Mad Hop// Fifth Wall// Crackling Claps// Square Harmony// Loveless Records// March'85// Gold Frame Records// Solace// .