Chubby Wolf | ar

Hungry wolf were five young london session musicians who, in the shortest possible time (due to many other recording commitments) got together, wrote and recorded an instrumental/part vocal album in 1970. Alan Hawkshaw: piano and organ Alan Parker: lead guitar Clem Cattiny: drums Herbie Flowers: bass guitar Peter Lee Stering: vocals Hungry Wolf are also an American four-piece handcore/punk band from Columbus, GA. .
Steppenwolf is a rock band which formed in Los Angeles, California, United States in 1967. The band originally consisted of John Kay (vocals, guitar), Michael Monarch (guitar), Rushton Moreve (bass), Goldie McJohn (keyboards) and Jerry Edmonton (drums). The band is best known for their hit singles "Born to be Wild" and "Magic Carpet Ride". They were named after the novel Der Steppenwolf by German author Hermann Hesse. Frontman John Kay's mother escaped with him at age 4 from Soviet occupied East Germany, an event recounted in the song "Renegade" on the album Steppenwolf Seven. His family resettled in Hannover, West...
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) An American indie-electronic producer, vocalist, and multi-instrumentalist signed to Always Never Records, now known as "CRYWOLF" ( 2) An alternative melodic hard rock band from the San Francisco Bay Area, originally named Heroes formed in the mid ‘80’s with Susie Major (vocals), Steve McKnight (guitar), Phil Deckard (bass), Chris Moore (drums). 3) A Thrash/Punk/Hardcore 4 piece from Kent England 4) A hardcore band from Hamilton, New Zealand. 5) A rock band based in SW London/Surrey, comprising twins Tom and David Farmer from Blackfoot Sue/Liner/Outside Edge, brother Gary Farmer, and guitarist...
Chubby Checker is the stage name of Ernest Evans (born 3 October 1941), an American singer-songwriter best known for popularizing the dance The Twist with his 1960 song "The Twist". In September 2008, "The Twist" topped Billboard's list of the most popular singles to have appeared in the Hot 100 since its debut in 1958. He was born in Spring Gulley, SC, USA, and raised in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and attended South Philadelphia High School with Frankie Avalon and Fabian. The wife of American Bandstand's host Dick Clark suggested the name "Chubby Checker" to Evans as a take-off on then-popular...
The band Guitar Wolf (ギターウルフ), founded in Nagasaki, Japan in 1987, are known for their piercing vocals and extremely loud style of garage punk that emphasized heavy distortion. They coined the phrase "Jett Rock 'n' Roll", a homage to rocker Joan Jett, which they also use to describe their musical style - an energetic cross between The Ramones, rockabilly, classic punk, and noise rock. The band star in cult classic zombie flick Wild Zero. .
وجدت 62 الأغاني, المدة الزمنية: 17:14:31
We Smoke and Erupt
desire to be desired
What Keeps Us From Serenity? Desire!
The Last Voices
Part 1 On Burnt, Gauzed Wings
The Last Voices (Beat Mix)
A - On Burnt, Gauzed Wings
The Last Voices (Beat Mix)
On Burnt, Gauzed Wings
Bird Spirituals
The Blissful Cessation
If You Love Me…
Bird Spirituals
On the Banks of Being In Love
On the Banks of Being In Love
Unnerved Rains
Envelope Petals (Yann Novak Quiet Moments Remix)
Enveloping Petals For Dani (Maile Colbert Remix)
Untitled (Mini-tracks Mix)
Existence is both a Horizon and an Indictment
Existence Is Both A Horizon And An Indictment
Great Expectations
A Wispy Tear
Blocking Dead Ends
Vocal Sounds Vibrate Air
If You Love Me...
Bubbles of Know
Prelude to a Come-on
Chubby Wolf
Prelude To A Come-On
Envelope Petals (Billy Gomberg Remix)
We Smoke and Erupt
My Intermediary
What keeps us from Serenity? Desire!
Mustered Mustard