Jessee Suarez | ar

PEDRO SUÁREZ-VÉRTIZ , is a Peruvian artist. Was born on February 13th, pianist of vocation, he knew that he could not manage the public very well being sitting before a piano. When he was already a teen, he discovered the guitar and the Rolling Stones who finally madden the precocious artist. When you talk to PEDRO SUÁREZ-VÉRTIZ , his freedom appearance, his talk and his absentminded look, get first your attention, but behind that image, he keeps very particular opinions about life, fame and the music. He started to speak when he was only nine months old and he sang...
Darren Jessee (born 8 April 1971, Houston, Texas) was the drummer for the rock group Ben Folds Five. He is currently the head of the increasingly-popular band Hotel Lights, in which he plays guitar and piano, and sings lead vocals. He is the sole writer of "Sky High", "Magic," "Leather Jacket," and the unreleased "Amelia Bright," which has recently been released as a Hotel Lights track on the album Firecracker People. In 2011 Ben Folds Five reunited and with Ben Folds' Retrospective album the 2000 demo of Amelia Bright was finally released to the public. Darren also co-wrote several Ben...
Argentinean experimental Latin rock band Suárez got involved in the local scene in the early '90s, releasing their debut album called Hora De No Ver in 1994 and getting the video for the single "Morirían" rotated by MTV Latino. After issuing 1995's Horrible, the band went on tour for the first time around Argentina and Chile. In 1996, filmmakers Bill Nieto and Miguel Mitlaj produced a short movie called Cenando Con Suárez, which based on the recording sessions for the album Galope. In 1999, the four-piece act independently released Rio Paraná and Excursiones. .
Danay es el nuevo descubrimiento de la canción cubana. Canta y rapea con una potencialidad inusual y mucho, mucho swing… La nueva diva de la canción alternativa tiene apenas veintipocos años y ya fue seleccionada por la firma Havana Club como la voz femenina de su proyecto Havana Cultura Live. Autodidacta aunque muy atenta a la tradición musical cubana y a todas las corrientes musicales del mundo, Danay ha colaborado por años con Los Aldeanos, X Alfonso, Roberto Fonseca y toda la vanguardia musical de Cuba hasta madurar en una carrera en solitario que augura grandes sorpresas. .