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Anata is a technical death metal band formed in Varberg, Sweden in 1993 by Robert Petersson (drums), Fredrik Schälin (lead guitar, vocals), Mattias Svensson (guitar) and Martin Sjöstrand (bass). Anata's penchant for penning unrelenting death metal with a razor-sharp sense of melody has always been an inherent trait in their songwriting. As the band grew as musicians and songwriters, the music shifted into a darker, more death metal direction. Performing live with Dissection, Lake Of Tears and Beseech, Anata also proved to be an intense live outfit. It was in this arena that the band honed their skills equivalent to...
Natalia Lafourcade (born Natalia Lafourcade Silva on 26 February 1984 in Mexico City, Mexico) is a Mexican pop singer and songwriter. In 2005 she released Casa, her second CD, but this time as Natalia y La Forquetina (the name of her band). Since she was very young, Natalia had a great interest in music, partly because her parents were musicians. At three years old she began to sing and at four, she realized that she wanted to be an artist. She attended Instituto Anglo Español, a Catholic middle school. In her childhood and adolescence she studied painting, flute, theater, music,...
1.) Natsu - なつ。北海道札幌市在住シンガーソングライターの類。 現在、一般社会人の傍らで音楽活動中。 ピアノ歴:5歳から13年間。 ライブ活動歴:6年目 音楽プロデューサーにPUFFYや小泉今日子のアレンジ&プロデュースを手掛ける上田健司氏を迎え、ミニアルバム『ナツイロ』を2009年11月に全国リリース。 ■2006年  作曲と歌を始め、9月にボーカルスクール『voice works sapporo』に入門。 ボイストレーナー谷藤勝彦氏に師事。 ■2007年  「natsu」として音楽活動を開始する。 ■2008年  2月、ミニアルバム 『Species』を限定リリース。札幌時計台ホールで初ワンマンライブ゙。 11月、さっぽろアートステージ2008にてファイナリストに選出。  ■2009年 2月、HTB制作番組『ユメキタ』出演。 4月、『夢チカLIVE Vol.50』出演。無料音源『natsu ep』を限定リリース。 5月、ファッション雑誌『澄空』に初アーティスト特集として掲載。 6月、よさこい『北鼓童なよろ』で歌い手として参加。 8月、オトキタコンピレーションアルバム『オトキタ09』に収録。  10月、北海道医療大学CM楽曲に採用。 11月、ミニアルバム『ナツイロ』初全国リリース。     レコ発ワンマンライブ【ナツイロガーデンVol.1】@cube garden。 12月、「Lasting World」がFM石川パワープレイ獲得。 ■2010年 5月、NHK音楽番組『LIVE H』出演。 7月、『Sound Air 2010 Vol.8』 グランプリ獲得。    『JOIN ALIVE 2010』 ROSE STAGE/オープニングアクトで出演。 8月、ワンマンライブ【ナツイロガーデンVol.2】@KRAPS HALL。 10月、FM NORTH WAVEの番組『CLUB ALIVE』の中でnatsuのコーナー    『ナツイロノート』放送。(2011年9月末で終了) ■2011年 4月、札幌ドーム「北海道日本ハムファイターズ×埼玉西武」戦で国歌斉唱。 9月、イコロの森で1週間作曲合宿を行う。 ■2012年 1月、ワンマンライブ【ナツイロガーデンVol.3】@KRAPSHALL。 ■2013年 3月、1st full album「マリンスノー」をリリース。 [OHP:] 2.) VOCALOID composer and artist that works beneath the pseudonym natsuP. Creator of the SCL (Seven Color Light) project. .
Francis Albert Sinatra (born December 12, 1915 in Hoboken, New Jersey; died May 14, 1998 in Los Angeles, California) was an Italian American Grammy Award winning jazz singer, Academy Award winning actor, founder of Reprise Records and member of The Rat Pack. Beginning his musical career in the Swing Era along with Harry James and Tommy Dorsey, Sinatra became a highly successful solo artist, releasing 59 studio albums and becoming the idol of the 'bobby soxers'. His professional career had stalled by the 1950s, but it was reborn in 1954 after he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor....
Nates James is a British soul singer / songwriter who released his debut album, Set The Tone, in 2005. The album, heavily influenced by classic soul artists such as Prince and Stevie Wonder, won James widespread critical acclaim and two MOBO nominations for Best Newcomer and Best R&B Artist. The album, penned almost entirely by James, spans a wide variety of music styles, from the bassy R&B of "Set The Tone" and the upbeat pop of "Universal" to classic ballad "Justify Me" and verging on rock influences in "I'll Decline". Nate has worked with several noted songwriters, including Francis White...