Fange | ar

Christa Pfangen are Andrea Belfi and Mattia Coletti . The name is a hommage to Nico , although the music has obviously no relation with the icon of the New York avant garde scene. They belong to the new electroacoustic/improv/avant-rock scene which is taking shape in Italy and includes such names as 3/4 had been eliminated , Valerio Tricoli , Å , Stefano Pilia and others. Working with percussion, treated guitar and an array of different objects and noises, they have given birth to a dynamic work of great beauty and reverberating rhythms, oscillating between avant folk and electroacoustic music...
The band is a new project from the musicians behind cult acts like Drudkh, Blood of Kingu, Hate Forest, Dark Ages and such, but Rattenfänger is a different beast entirely. The debut album, entitled “Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum”, is a masterpiece of old-school death metal. It was released on Norwegian metal record label DARK ESSENCE RECORDS. Rattenfänger’s sound is pitch black and bone crushingly brutal. It is Death Metal in its original form – and it is devastating. Inevitably there will be nuances from the members other projects, and comparisons can also be made with bands such as Celtic Frost, early...