Erlend Ropstad | en

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Erlend Ropstad released three albums on the label REC90 between 2006 and 2009. From these albums music was listed on radiostations in Belgium, Spain, Germany and Norway. Music from these albums appeared on movies in Norway (Fritt Vilt/Cold Prey) Spain (8 Citas) and in France (20 seconds of joy) and on tv-commercials in Scotland and Germany and several NorwegianTV-programs. All reviews he has ever recieved has been great!

He has playd on PopKomm Berlin, The Quart Festival, Øya Festival, Eikerapen Roots Festival, Rotterdam International Poetry Festival, Eurosonic Gronningen, Bylarm, BarFly Camden, Support for Teitur (tour), Josh Rouse, Cracker, Thomas Dybdahl (tour), The National Bank (tour), My Brightest Diamond (tour) and a european split gig tour with Hanne Kolstø.

He transfered to singing in Norwegian with the album Hva Om De Ikke Er Sånn Som Du Tror At Det Er, released on my own label (Later Gator Records) on January 25ht 2013 to exclusively great reviews and nominations for the Spellemann Award (norwegian grammy) in the categories Beste Vise (best folk album) and Beste Tekstforfatter (best lyricist).

On April 4th. 2014 he released his fourth, and also to much critical acclaim, called Her Om Natta recieved a new Norwegian Grammy nomination for that one, and one for the album called The Beste Vi Får Til from 2015. All of his albums has been mentioned by all the major lists of Best Norwegian Albums every year. The last one even got 10/10 stars several places and was voted best Norwegian album by blogs and newspapers.


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