Mercanti Di Liquore | en

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The "Mercanti di Liquore" born in Monza, Italy, around 1995, when three musicians, who already were playing together in a band called Zoo, decided to create a group oriented towards acustic music. Their repertoire is made of original compositions and of rivisited songs by Fabrizio De André and other significative italian authors. The "Mercanti di Liquore" are marked out by creativity and originality in their arrangements, personalizing so much the interpretation of thei song that they've been defined as a real "power-folk trio", because of their personal approach to auteur music.

In recent years "Mercanti di Liquore" performed a lot of live concerts reaching gradually and consolidating an original stylistic consistence that brought them to walk through regional limits and to submit their music to the biggest musical happening around Italy and to many radio programmes. A professional development that took them to take part in the big musical celebration "Faber, amico fragile", on the 12 march 2000 in the "Carlo Felice" theatre in Genoa, Italy, promoted by the cultural association "Fabrizio De André" in which took part the most important italian artists (Vasco Rossi, Luciano Ligabue...). A double album has been recorded during that show: Faber amico fragile (disc 1: Cd Bianco) and Faber amico fragile (disc 2: Cd Nero).

Their first album was "Mai Paura" (Musica Mezzanima-Samsara): besides original compositions, it contains some of the unforgettable ballads by Fabrizio De André. It had been published in May 1999. This album obtains great reviews by italian press. The song "Mai paura" has been selected for the compilation "Caterpillar Vol.3" (CGD East West) from the radio show Caterpillar (Radio - Rai 2) published in May 2000. In June 2000 "Mercanti di Liquore" publish a single containing the interpretation of "Geordie", as performed in "Carlo Felice" theatre in Genoa, a new version of "Mai paura" and an unpublished song (Canzonetta), distributed by Venus.

In the same year the Mercanti di Liquore produce and perform in many italian theaters the show "Gente Invisibile": a tribute to Fabrizio De André and to all those who sang about wrong stories. Emotions and madness of these people are narrated through songs by singer-songwriter who made the history of italia music like Fabrizio De André, Luigi Tenco, Claudio Lolli, Sergio Endrigo, and through literary fragments by Bukowski, Pasolini, Vian, performed by actors "on the stage" and "virtually" recited through film shows.

After many months working on it and after the partecipation together with Marco Paolini and other important italian artists to the event named "Appunti Partigiani", in March 2002 they publish the new album, entitled "La musica dei poveri" (Mezzanima/Bloom). This wark contains almost exclusively original compositions and testifies the stylistic growth of the band. As you can guess from the title, the 14 song from this album tell stories about a looser but proud humanity, able to oppose a convinced and stubborn disobedience (or at least a different vision) to the winners' arrogance. The music remains oriented towards the research of an essentiality in composition, in the middle between great suggetsions of popular melody and modern and powerful rythimcs. In this album many guests has beeen invited by the band to enrich sonorities in some songs.

In the beginngin of 2003 the "Mercanti di Liquore" are involved in a singular initiative: the "Case del Popolo Tour". For the three musicians this tour means that they don't want to follow the usual stereotypes used in promotion and marketing by the discographic business, trying on the contrary (again) to find a personal way. In this way the "Case del Popolo" (People's Houses) get a symbolic and cultural value because they become the antithesis of the usual places where live music is played. this kind of tour besides introducing them consistently and easily will give them new hints to keep on with telling their stories and thinking to their music in a completely autonomous way, far away from the common and banalizing profit and selling strategies.

In April 2003 debuts "Song n.32 (Concerto variabile)" a performance that puts together Marco Paolini e Mercanti di Liquore. A travel that, through the songs, picks up and amplifies awesomenesses about water, war and precious disobediences.

Recently they published the new album "Cosa te ne fai di un titolo", a new work made up of 9 unpublished songs where Mercanti di Liquore adandon a bit their easygoing acoustic style developing more complex arangements and yet original lyrics but less direct. This style change confirms the evolution of this band, doing a really good job in the italian music circle.

On the 21 and 22 October 2005, in "Dada Pub" in Villasanta has been recorded the live album "Live in Dada", published in 2006.

Mai Paura, 1999
Mercanti di Liquore (singolo), 2001
La Musica dei Poveri, 2002
Sputi, 2004
Cosa te ne fai di un titolo, 2005
Live in Dada, 2006

Membri del Gruppo
Lorenzo Monguzzi: voce e chitarra
Simone Spreafico: chitarra, basso e cori
Piero Mucilli: fisarmonica e tastiera

Collegamenti esterni
sito ufficiale

Video - Nella mia ora di libertà
Video - L'eroe .

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