Mescalin, Baby | en

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Mescalin, baby is a woman. Mescalin, baby is sex and violence. Mescalin, baby is the son you never had and the father who wasn't ever there. Mescalin, baby is all those things you never became. Mescalin, baby is The Velvet Underground sharing straitjacket with Bob Dylan. Mescalin, baby is a heart failure, a thombosis and an artificial respiration.

Mescalin, baby is romance, romanticism, aesthetics, fanaticism, fundamentalism and food. Mescalin, baby is visionary, interesting and as ugly as it is beautiful.

Mescalin, baby is a man. Mescalin, baby is hate and caress. Mescalin, baby is the daughter you dont dare letting out after midnight and the mother who never lets you go.

Mescalin, baby are all those things you became without wanting to. Mescalin, baby are far from new thinking, but yet far from unoriginal. Mescalin, baby are the illness and you are the cure. .