Out of Bounds | en

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There are at least three bands with the name Out of Bounds.

1) A Finnish metal band
2) A Norwegian pop-punk band
3) An Hawaiin hardcore punk band

The band was originally formed in 1999. The first recording was a demo from summer of 2000 and it had 4 songs in it. The second was EP-Step Correct which was recorded in a local studio called Livingroom after Out Of Bounds had won a major music competition in their home town β€˜β€™Tku Bandstand 2002’’. The third recording session, Reflections, was finished in 2004. Soon after that, the problems started and things got out of hands... ...At the end of May 2006, Out Of Bounds went back to studio. At this point there had already been a change in their line-up. They had taken a new guitarist. Unfortunately the problems didn't end there and shit started to happen again. In the middle of the recording process, the band had to find a new singer. This was simply put a fucked up situation. At this point everything else was already recorded, exept the vocals. A new singer was recruited and the work could now continue. It was a weird situation for him, because suddently he had a bunch of new songs in front of him which were already recorded exept from his part. The album "Through A Sacrifice" was finished in 2007. A new crisis followed soon when the new singer decided to focus only on his other band. The story continues. Out Of Bounds will carry on with 5 members. The new release is now ready and it's titled "Together We Walk Alone". Download it for free and enjoy!

Out of Bounds is a Skien/Kristiansand based pop punk band from Norway.

Out of Bounds from Honolulu, Hawaii is an hardcore punk band and released at least one album, The Big Chune in 2017. .