Ran Slavin | en

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Ran Slavin is a multi media artist. Born in Jerusalem and living in Tel Aviv.
He is an autodidact in cinema having recently completed his first feature title;
His video and sound installations, digital live video/sound improvisations are frequently shown across diverse platforms internationally.
He is active in both the international music, and contemporary art scenes. His work has been described as poetic, confrontational, urban surreal, at times on the threshold of digital painting.

His audio work is a culmination of digitally processed acoustic sources to various means of generative sound that form evasive atmospheres between the audible and the visual, at times resembling fragments of lost cinematic tales.

In video/sound performances Ran is creating spontaneous visual compositions from multi layers of video and text, in real time, that in turn generate the sound. Each performance is unlike the other.

Slavin has been releasing music on the labels Cronica [Portugal] Mille Plateaux [Frankfurt/Berlin] Sub Rosa [Brussels] and is performing and screening his work internationaly.

Selected performances and screenings include an honorary mention at Ars Electronica [Linz], The Torino Film festival, Transmediale [Berlin], Deaf [Rotterdam], Centre de Pompidou [Paris], Jeu De Paum [Paris], Rencontres Internationales [Madrid-Berlin-Paris], The Whitechapel Art Gallery [London], Venice Biennial, Liverpool Biennial, Zero One [San Jose], 9th International Istanbul Biennial - Turkey, Netwerk Contemporary Art Centre [Aalst], Petah Tikva Art Museum [Israel], Videoformes Clermont Ferrand, France.



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