Schroeder-Headz | en

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A club jazz trio project by the keyboard player, Shunsuke Watanabe who has played for top notch Japanese pop and rock artists like Puffy, Chemistry, Ko Shibasaki, De De Mouse, Motoharu Sano, Bonnie Pink, Kirinji, Kohei Dojima and so on. Named after Schroeder who appeared in the American cartoon, Peanuts, the piano, bass, drums trio plays music imagining the image in the brain of a boy who has contemporary musical ears through listening to classical, jazz, dance, electronica music, etc. and paying respect to Vince Guraldi’s trio who made music for animated adaptations of Peanuts.

Official Website:
Blog(Shunsuke Watanabe):

Piano & Programming: Shunsuke Watanabe
(Birthdate: Jan 7, 1975, Bloodtype: O Birthplace: Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)

Support Bass: Yu Sato (U&DESIGN)
Support Drums: Hiroyuki Suzuki (ex ART-SCHOOL, U&DESIGN, らーメンズ, GOLIATH) .