Seidr | en

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Ritual doom hailing from between the rolling Ohio River and the Bernheim Forest, defined by our stream of consciousness, ritualistic live show and emotive recording style...

Consists of A. Lundr (Panopticon), Crow (Wheels Within Wheels), John Kerr (Vit), and Adam Nicholson (Below}.

Influences include Neurosis, early My Dying Bride, early Anathema, Swans, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Melvins, Tom Waits, Grief, early Katatonia, early Paradise Lost, Godflesh, Funeral.

2009 - Blood in the Soil
2010 - Cortez the Killer
2011 - Cosmic
2011 - For Winter Fire [Full-length]
2013 - Ginnungagap [Full-length] .

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