The Singing Loins | en

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The Loins are Chris Broderick on vocals, Chris (Arfur) Allen on guitar and Rob Shepherd on banjo, mandolin & acordian, with John Forrester on occasional stand-up bass. Chris Broderick & Chris (Arfur) Allen started The Loins as a raw, stripped down acoustic duo in 1990.

The Loins' song writing is steeped in the British & European traditions of Punk, Folk, Music Hall, Character, Chorus, Cabaret, Melodrama & Buffoonery. They sing tales of underdogs, suicides, circus freaks, the bereaved, frustrated and heart-broken, the washed up and mentally ill in all of their 11 albums.

...The Singing Loins stand as a sterling reminder of the vigour and inspiration woefully absent elsewhere within the contemporary new acoustic movement.
Sean McGhee, Editor - Rock 'n' Reel (August 07)

To A Beautiful Woman Growing Older is this year's most beautiful and honest love song...
Everett True - Village Voice, New York. (August 07)

...The Drowned Man Resuscitator is The Singing Loins at their very best... Combining racous traditional sounds with heartbreaking outpourings of emotion... It's good to have them back!
**** (4 stars) Lois Wilson. MOJO, Jan 08 .

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