Hipnosis | de

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There are two bands called Hipnosis:

1) Alternate spelling of Hypnosis, an Italo disco project from the 80s.

2) A band born in Barcelona in 1998, with 4 albums. Introduced as an electronic Pop band in early 2000’s with their early 2 albums (Vertigo, Hipnosis) Hipnosis changed their style in 2005 approximating their sound to Prog-Rock and Alternative Rock under the influences of Black Sabbath, Brian Eno, Gary Numan and many artists from 70s and 80s…Always keeping their original sound mixing rock guitars and dark synthesizers. Listen their last 2 albums (Hipnosis on the Ghost Ship, 1984) and their best selling Pop smash «Believe».
Their live concerts, their strongest point, have been celebrated for many different audiences in Barcelona’s clubs.
Their lyrics (in English, Spanish and Catalan languages) are based on their social non-conformism, paranoia, media control, individual freedom, anarchy and History of minority peoples. Their strongest inspiration is based on British writer activist George Orwell.
Hipnosis was always under the shadow of mass media commercial music. But they resist… .

Alle Alben
