Infantry | de

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There are 4 Infantrys.

1) Black/Thrash band
2) Rac/Punk band
4) Thrash/death metal band from the Netherlands.

1) Infantry started in 2005,Jessie, Jorge, and Jerry started a band looking forward to playing metal.When Jerry introduced thrash metal into the band,their passion for music changed with Jerry on Guitar, Jorge on Bass and Vocals,and Jessie on Drums.In May 2007 Infantry released the "Ressurect" demo and started playing several shows.Later Henry from Witchaven asked Jerry to join his band,Infantry refused the idea but had no control over Jerry's decision. Their music was progressing slowly at that time.As time went by,Infantry met Tim,a guitarist recently out of a band who shared the same interests for music as the band,this completed the band as a four piece.A few months later Infantry fortunetly managed to release their second demo "Desecrate the Church".As the band predicted,in May 2008,Jerry left Infantry to fulfill his duties in Witchaven. Recently after Jerry left the band,Adrian from Tyrant was looking for more of a heavier,faster,thrash band and saw the opportunity and joined the band to pursue his musical needs.Infantry is still moving forward and has new material yet to be released.

2) Post-punk band from Los Angeles during the 1980s.

3) Marshal/Ambient project from Portland Oregon U.S.A. Just released a demo "The Infantry Box" under the label Castellum Stoufenburc.

4) Infantry is a thrash/death metal band founded in the Netherlands in 2006. Infantry is known for their uptempo thrashy songs combined with death slamming rifs. Taking elements from bands like Slayer, Decapitated, Strapping Young Lad and many more. The lyrical themes vary from world wars, death, destruction and decay, to perverted fantasies. They released two EP's, called Rotting Corpses and Stench of Disembowelment.
They participated in the Dutch Metal Battle in 2016. They made it al the way to the finals, where Infantry was voted by the public as the winner of the Public prize!
In March 2017, Infantry released their album Make War Not Love. This resulted in a lot of gigs in The Netherlands. They are currently proudly presenting their new album and continue to work on more songs!
Infantry currently consist of Mattis on vocals, Arjen on lead guitar, Luuk on rhythm guitar, René on drums and Andrea on bass.