Karelian Folk Music Ensemble | de

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Coming from the land of the Kalevala, an ancient land of forests, lakes, small villages and epic songs, the Karelian Folk Music Ensemble is a trio from Petrozavodsk, in the Russian Republic of Karelia. Karelia is a region that encompasses both sides of the Finnish/Russian border and the ensemble's music is an exciting and interesting mix of Finnish, Russian and Karelian cultures. Their music ranges from the ancient epic songs accompanied by kantele to a capella Russian village songs, from old shepherd melodies on wooden flutes and trumpet to Finnish dances on accordions, and from scythe accompaniment to church bells.

The Karelian Folk Music Ensemble first came to the US in 1992 as a part of the Petrozavodsk State University group, "TOIVE". Toive has two recordings on the Gadfly label, "The Karelian Folk Music Ensemble" and "Ingrian Folk Songs".

http://www.kfme.onego.ru/ .