Mardi Gras | de

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There may be more than one band with this name.

Mardi Gras (Italy)
Mardi Gras: a musical journey that originated in Rome. A warm welcome in Dublin that provided the impetus to tour Italy as an acoustic duo, and thence the band, the CD “Drops Made”, the full-formation tour with drums and bass, the attention of the radio and the media who see in the group echoes of Dave Mathews, Polly Palusma, Cat Power and 70s rock, and then the return to Ireland, the group’s adoptive home, welcoming them once again with the “Irish Drops Tour”: five concerts including Whelans, the cradle of world rock. Mardi Gras have been aired on American and European radio stations, they have shared the stage with The Frames (oscar winner Glen Hansard), Giorgio Canali, The Niro, Circulus, Parto delle Nuvole Pesanti, Cut, and Micah P Hinson, and their track “The Wait”, a protest against the death penalty, has been chosen by Neil Young for his protest songs “Songs of the Times”.
2008: the “Travellin’ Band Tour 2008” hit Italy, new sounds, new musicians, new words set to music, the Republic of Kataweb showcase, the interviews, radio shows, Ubix reviews, Live Aid Kenya with Daniele Groff, Momo, Rein, Ratti della Sabina and many more, and the 120,000 visitors at MySpace… the journey continues…
Mardi Gras is a member of IMIsound
Independent Musicians from Italy .