Solitaire | de

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Solitaire stands for very inspiritional music of deep flow...every piece has a deeper story or it is no singular kind of popmusic. In fact: it´s not music for the masses or headbangers or is cinematique music.
The idea of German keyboardist Elmar Schulte, this recording unit is based in the small town of Paderborn, yet draws inspiration from foreign landscapes, particularly the wide open spaces of Norway, Scotland and the American Southwest. Schulte named the group, in fact, after his admiration for the music on Desert Solitaire, an album by American synthesists Steve Roach, Kevin Braheny, and Michael Stearns (see listing under Roach). Solitaire's dark, textural pieces and occasional ethnic rhythms are a marked contrast to the sequencer-dominated heritage of the '70s German electronic school popularized by Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze.
Music for films: "Heat", "Blade"
various theaterworks .

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