The Convergence Quartet | de

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The Convergence Quartet - American Taylor Ho Bynum (cornet), Canadian Harris Eisenstadt (drums), and the UK pairing of Alexander Hawkins (piano), and Dominic Lash (double bass) - brings together four leaders of a generation of composer-improvisers who draw on a deep range of influences and traditions in their music. All established bandleaders in their own right, the band’s credits also include work, both live and on record, with many seminal names in contemporary jazz: Marshall Allen, Anthony Braxton, John Butcher, Joe McPhee, Louis Moholo-Moholo, Evan Parker, Mulatu Astatke, Sam Rivers, and Cecil Taylor, to name only a few. Over successive tours, the group have forged their many and varied musical experiences into a uniquely innovative and coherent language, offering as a result a ‘powerful example of 21st-century musical catholicity’ (John Fordham, The Guardian) and ‘moments of magical innovation’ (Paul Medley, The Oxford Times). .

Alle Alben
