The Human League | de

League of Legends (abbreviated LoL or just League) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game follows a freemium model and is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients. In League of Legends, players assume the role of an unseen "summoner" that controls a "champion" with unique abilities and battle against a team of other players or computer-controlled champions. The goal is usually to destroy the opposing team's "nexus", a structure which lies at the...
Es gibt zwei Bands mit dem Namen Human Nature: 1. Human Nature ist eine australische Pop-Gruppe. 2. Human Nature ist eine Metalcore-Band aus Thüringen. Die Band wurde im Jahr 1995 unter dem Namen "Kehlkopfkrebs" gegründet. Bandmitglieder: Pinky (Schlagzeug) Stefan (Gesang, Gitarre) Brian (Gitarre) Andre (Bass) Band-Homepage: .
There are several bands/project with the name "Human Error". 1.) Human Error is a crust/Grind band from Budapest, Hungary, formed in 1996 by Dr. Slayer and Gabor Magyar. During the years many member joined and left the band. Nowadays the band is: Gabor - vocals, Dr. Slayer - bass/screams, Csiga - guitar and drummer Mark. More info (on hungarian) on their official site: 2.) Human Error is a Poland based project, making Ambient/IDM kind of electronic music. Human Error exists on music scene since 1998 and was formed by Rafał Kuczynski. He released his debut album "Battery Farm" by...
The Human League ist eine britische New-Wave-Band, die vor allem durch ihren Hit „Don't You Want Me“ im Jahr 1981 bekannt wurde. Sie zählt zu den Wegbereitern der elektronischen Popmusik. Die Anfangsjahre (1977-80) Nach einigen frühen musikalischen Versuchen in der experimentellen Sheffielder Musikszene gründen Martyn Ware und Ian Craig Marsh im Juni 1977 die Band The Future. Anfangs ist auch Adi Newton Mitglied, der aber kurz darauf wieder aussteigt, um die Band Clock DVA zu gründen. Als Sänger kommt nun Phil Oakey hinzu, ein früherer Klassenkamerad von Martyn Ware, und die Band nennt sich ab Oktober 1977 „The Human League“....
SuperHuman – simply one of the best rock band in Baltic region of Europe was formed in 2004 by guitarist Uldis, a well known rock musician from Riga, Latvia. “It was a tough road.’’ he explains, “It took almost a year to find the right people who really know how to rock’ n roll. We are all about playing pure rock’ n roll, attitude and all – accept it, or step back, just listen to our music – it speaks for itself!” Uldis says with a grin. The sound of SuperHuman is a blend of heavy guitar riffs and great...