Toshiyuki Yasuda | de

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Japanese electronic artist and composer Toshiyuki Yasuda was born in 1973 in Takarazuka, Hyogo Prefecture in Japan, and is a former member of Fantastic Plastic Machine.

Yasuda graduated in civil engineering from Ritsumeikan University, and began Fantastic Plastic Machine in 1994 while at college. After dealing with many projects including Pizzicato Five, Towa Tei, and Combustible Edison - and following the release of the debut self-titled album for Fantastic Plastic Machine in 1997 – he left the unit.

He has subsequently released several albums, including Robo*Brazileira (2000), Electro Bits Indeed (2004), featuring Towa Tei, and With Robo*Brazileira (2005), as well as the collaborative Monophonic Ensemble release in 2006.

More recently, Yasuda has performed collaboratively with Isabelle Antena, Mika Nakashima, Bonnie Pink, Kirinji and somewhat extensively with Towa Tei - such as on the latter's album Flash (2005).

Yasuda also runs his own label, Megadolly, through which he has released music by Towa Tei, Si Begg, Morgan Fisher, Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Pecombo, Meu Coracao, Satoru Wono, Akira Yamasaki, Bajune Tobeta, and the Monophonic Ensemble.

He performed at Les Siestes Electronique in Toulouse, France, in the summer of 2006 (with Chicks on Speed), and performs live periodically at Apple stores in Japan.

On his album Robo*Brazileira (2000), there's bossa nova, the typical Shibuya-kei obsession for the genre, and robots singing about love in fake Portuguese. .

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