Astrid Oto | de

In 2004, Astrid released their third album - 'One In Four' (named for the statistic that "one in four of us will suffer mental health problems at some time in our lives"). They then had a successful tour supporting Snow Patrol. Shortly after, the band split up, apparently due to singer/guitarist William Campbell's alleged problems with drug abuse. Neil Payne now drums for fellow Scottish band, Texas, Gareth Russell plays bass for Idlewild and Charlie Clarke formed a new band, Our Lunar Activites, who have gone on to support +44 and record an album with Mark Hoppus as producer. .
From an early age DJ Astrid has been captivated by music. Besides her daily piano lessons, listening to rock, reggae, electro and pop music was a prominent element in here daily routine. She has always been intrigued by elements of different styles and that’s probably what makes her such a versatile DJ/producer nowadays. .
Astrid Seriese (Den Haag / The Hague 1957) was educated at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, and at the Academie voor Kleinkunst in Amsterdam. Since 1963 she has been working as an actress on stage (Mephisto, 1983) on film (Blonde dolly, 1987) and in cabarets (Tingel tangel, 1983-1984). But more than anything, she has made a career in music. As a singer she started off singing the songs of Bertolt Brecht in 1983, and was a member of Nedly Elstak's Seven singers and a horn. She also formed the Astrid Seriese/Nedly Elstak kwintet with him. In 1985 she met...
Astrid Monroe is a hard to define mysterious person. Musically she oscillates around trip-hop (despite the fact that she hates that definition) and performers like Portishead, Massive Attack. On "When I Was Young" she uses Genesis P-Orridge's voice. He's well known from his projects - Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, The Majesty. CD has been released in 2001 by SIRS in Europe. In 2004 Important Rec re-released it in the USA. Astrid describes her project as commercial gloominess... Official site: .
Astrid Lindgren (* 14. November 1907 auf Näs bei Vimmerby als Astrid Anna Emilia Ericsson; † 28. Januar 2002 in Stockholm) war eine schwedische Schriftstellerin. Astrid Lindgren gehört zu den bekanntesten Kinderbuchautoren der Welt. Sie ist in Deutschland mit einer Gesamtauflage von weit über 20 Millionen Exemplaren erfolgreich wie kaum ein anderer Kinder- und Jugendbuchautor. Die Schriftstellerin ist die geistige Mutter von Pippi Langstrumpf, Michel aus Lönneberga, Ronja Räubertochter, Madita, Mio, Kalle Blomquist und vielen anderen Figuren. .
Gefunden 29 Lieder, Dauer: 41:50
Torch Song
Welcome Home
Search and Destroy
Poor, Poor Ho's
Nasser, Pt. 2
Slumlord Speedball
Goodbye Elston Avenue
Can't Farm in the Rain
Gold Coast
Canary in a Coal Mine
On the Ave
Can't Farm in the Rain
Can't Farm In The Rain
Canary In Gold Mine
Gold Coast
Bringing New Meaning To D.I.Y.