Tom Swoon | de

Zita Swoon Group is a cosmopolitan ensemble that creates multi disciplinary artistic productions and always departs from original and permeating music that is in perfect balance with itself. Their sound covers all corners of the musical spectrum but is always personal and authentic. Instrumental and vocal music as well as visual imagery and movement are very important. The collective was started in the early nineties and has become one of the most successful Belgian bands. Since the early years Zita Swoon has had an inexhaustible capacity for innovation and has gradually changed into the polymorph collective Zita Swoon Group. Zita...
Zita Swoon ist eine fünfköpfige belgische Indie-Band, die Einflüsse aus Rock, Jazz, Blues, Folk und Chanson zu einer eigenwilligen Mixtur verschmilzt. Sie wurde Anfang der 90er Jahre in Antwerpen von Stef Kamil Carlens und Schlagzeuger Aarich Jespers gegründet. Carlens widmete sich in der Anfangszeit noch verstärkt seiner damaligen Hauptband dEUS. 1993 erschien das erste Werk der zunächst noch unter dem Namen A Beatband firmierenden Gruppe, die EP "Jintro Travels the Word in a Skirt". Für das erste Album "Everyday I Wear A Greasy Black Feather On My Hat" wurde der Name in Moondog Jr. geändert, da dies allerdings zu Problemen...
There is more than one band called 'Swoon'. 1) Swoon - Sweden shoegaze band: Founded in the mid-nineties, Swoon was one of the first Swedish bands to once again bring up the sounds of the British shoegaze scene of 1989-1992. As other bands turned to Blur and Oasis for inspiration, Swoon took on the sounds of My Bloody Valentine, Ride, Chapterhouse and House of Love and modeled them into new forms. Today, although both the musical landscape and the sources of inspiration are slightly altered, Swoon still base their music on John Hårds heavily effect-laden guitars, Staffan Ljunggrens syncopated rhythms...
Swoons war eine Punkrock-Band mit Frauengesang, die 1990 in Wolfhagen (Hessen) gegründet wurde. Kennzeichnend für ihren musikalischen Stil waren schnelle punkige Songs und poppig-leichte Gesangsmelodien. Die bekanntesten Kompositionen der Band hießen: "Mach mal das Licht an!", "Klein und Faul" und "Klaus is dead". Auch Coverversionen der Band erfreuten sich der Beliebtheit des Publikums. Darunter "Wann wird's mal wieder richtig Sommer?" und "Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen". Bis zu ihrer Auflösung im Oktober 2005 veröffentlichten die Swoons insgesamt fünf Alben und eine Best-of-Compilation in Deutschland, ein Album in Japan, ein Album in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, sowie diverse Singles, EPs...
Tom Swoon (formerly known as Pixel Cheese), was born June 6th 1993 in the small city of Goleniow, Poland. His interest in music started at a very young age; Tom was fascinated by rock music and started his very own rock band together with a group of friends when he was just 14. Jamming on the guitar was a daily escape and only fuelled his passion further. At the age of 17, he discovered electronic dance music and was inspired by artists such as Deadmau5 and Daft Punk. Over the next few years, Tom taught himself the art of DJing,...