Armando | de

Armando Manzanero (born in Mérida, México on December 7, 1935) is a Latin American musician and composer, widely considered the premiere Mexican romantic composer of the postwar era. At the age of eight he was introduced into the world of music in the Escuela de Bellas Artes (School of High Arts) of his native city, later furthering his musical studies in Mexico City. In 1950, at the age of fifteen, he composed his first melody titled Nunca en el Mundo (Never in the World), of which twenty-one versions in different languages have been recorded to date. The following year he...
Armando (eigentlich Armando Luis Gallop, * 12. Februar 1970 in Chicago, USA; † 17. Dezember 1996) war ein US-amerikanischer DJ und Musikproduzent mit kubanischen Wurzeln. Mit Klassikern wie Land Of Confusion oder 151 (teilweise 1-5-1 geschrieben) zählte Armando zu den Begründern der Acid-House-Szene in Chicago, allerdings gehen auch einige House-Klassiker wie 100% Of Disin' You auf sein Konto. Er gründete mit Warehouse Records 1988 sein eigenes Label, dessen Name sich an den legendären House-Club anlehnte. Leben: Armando erkrankte an Leukämie, konnte sich jedoch keine Krankenversicherung leisten und musste daher die langen und teuren Krankenhausaufenthalte selbst tragen. Nach der Veröffentlichung seines...
Born on January 27, 1939 in Brooklyn, the young Armando would listen closely to his father's Machito and Arsenio Rodriguez records and to the voice of his mother, a professional singer, dancer, and actress. While his dreams of becoming a baseball player were never realized, he did manage to become skilled on the conga drums at an early age. He was first involved with Latin percussion through his uncle at the age of 8. His first real influence and teacher was Mongo Santamaria, who lived across the street from his family. At the age of fifteen, he went on the...
Armando Rosas es uno de los compositores mas significativos de la ciudad de México. Cursó la carrera de composición bajo la dirección del profesor Arturo Márquez y estudios de guitarra con los maestros Alberto Salas y Ernesto García de León en la Escuela Superior de Música del INBA. El trabajo profesional de Armando Rosas arranca en 1984, año en el que funda Camerata Rupestre, de la cual es compositor y director. Con esta agrupación que fusiona la música de cámara, el blues y la canción alternativa, recorre parte del territorio nacional presentándose en diferentes salas y foros, de entre los...