S.S.H. | de

S.S.H. [[url=http://www.last.fm/music/%E5%9F%BC%E7%8E%89%E6%9C%80%E7%B5%82%E5%85%B5%E5%99%A8]埼玉最終兵器] (Saitama Saishuuheiki - Saitama's Ultimate Weapon) is a Japanese musician. He used to primarily remix video game music and has become quite well known amongst internet video game music communities. He has covered songs from a variety of games and series, including Thunder Force, Tales of Phantasia, Super Robot Wars, Atlach=Nacha, Megami Tensei, Ragnarok Online, and Unreal Tournament. However, he is one of the few *doujin* artists who actually started working in the video game music industry. He did the soundtracks to games like Lost Child or Sixty Nine 2 and made official arrange albums for the Atelier...