Alceu Valenca | de

Rosinha de Valença was at her peak during the '60s when she was performing at ~the Bottle's nightclub in Rio (one of the focal points of bossa nova). In that decade, she was celebrated by important artists like Baden Powell, Maria Bethânia, Aloysio de Oliveira (who invited her to record her first album), Sérgio Mendes (with whom she and his band, Brasil 65, performed during an eight-month American tour), Sivuca, Martinho da Vila, and others. She was forced to abandon her artistic career prematurely in 1992 due to brain damage caused by a heart attack. She left her hometown for...
Alceu Paiva Valença (geb. am 1. Juli 1946, in São Bento do Una) ist ein brasilianischer Sänger und Komponist. Nach Abschluss des Studiums der Rechtswissenschaften arbeitete er nur kurz als Korrespondent für die Zeitung "Jornal do Brasil", bevor er sich ganz und gar der Musik widmete. Alceu Valença hat 17 LP's, 7 CD's sowie zwei DVD's von Live Shows herausgegeben Seine Musik ist eine Mischungs aus den Stilen des Nordostens wie Forró, Baião, Maracatu, Caboclinho oder Frevo sowie der elektronischen Popmusik. .