Ivan Alekxei ft Rui Orlando | de

Troye Sivan Mellet ist am 5. Juni 1995 geboren und kommt ursprünglich aus Südafrika. Für ihn ist aber Perth, Australien seine Heimat, in der er auch zu Hause ist. Mit seiner wunderschönen Stimme und einem beeindruckenden Gesang hat Troye bereits bei vielen bekannten Veranstaltungen in Perth, sowie bei mehreren Amateuer-Aufführungen, auch außerhalb Australiens teilgenommen. 2006 hörte Guy Sebastian, der erste Gewinner der Reallity-TV-Show "Australian Idol", Troye, als er bei der jährlichen "Telethon" Veranstaltung das Lied "Over the Rainbow" gesungen hat. Daraufhin fragte Guy Sebastian ihn, ob er denn alle seine Lieder kenne, worauf Troye mit "JA" antwortete. Nach 20 Minuten...
Tony Orlando (born 3 April 1944) is an American singer best known for his time with the group Dawn in the early 1970s. Born Michael Anthony Orlando Cassavitis to a Greek father and a Puerto Rican mother, he was raised in Manhattan's then-notorious Hell's Kitchen. His best friend was Freddie Prinze (who was of Puerto Rican and German descent).[citation needed] Tony Orlando's musical career started with The Five Gents, a doo-wop group he formed. His first success came when he recorded the hit “Halfway To Paradise”. After becoming general manager at Columbia Records, he was tempted back to a recording...
2 or More Artists share this name: 1).DJ Ivan was remembered for releasing material in the rave music genre in the 1990s. His material can be remembered on the strictly underground label. 2).Piotr Cieslak, more commonly known as Dj Ivan was born in Jaworzno, Poland on January 28, 1988. He is responsible for songs such as "Drum" & "Heaven", which can be found on the his website www.dj-ivan.info. Dj Ivan has also remixed the popular song "Whould You Feel" by the C-bool and Max M "Japan Techno". .
Drivan (Eng. "The Snow Drift") is a band consisting of Kim Hiorthøy, Lisa Östberg and Louise Peterhoff from Sweden and Kristiina Viiala from Finland. The group met in Stockholm in the fall of 2007 while working together on a multi-faceted dance piece by choreographer and performance artist Gunilla Heilborn, entitled The Potato Country. The moving, yet humorous performance piece, with music written by Hiorthøy, incorporated dance, spoken word and songs. Upon the completion of its run in Stockholm, Hiorthøy asked Lisa, Louise, and Kristiina if they would be interested in collaborating further. In early 2008 the group met in Skåne...
Gefunden 4 Lieder, Dauer: 18:59
Teu Ego (feat. Rui Orlando)