European Mantra | es

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Hungarian band.

I brought this group together on March 2001. Not long after having had a bass player switch, we ended up with the lineup existing to this very day, featuring my friend and co-composer Peta Lukács on guitar, János Nagy on keyboards and my favorite rhythm-section companion Péter Papesch on the bass. By avoiding any kind of compromise, our music strives to break through the conventional boundaries between different genres. The music we are playing could be defined as ‘contemporary’, although it also encompasses elements, which are more accessible and thus easier to absorb. We don’t incorporate these out of compromise, but simply because we like them. We like all kinds of things. We really like ice cream for instance. With Jancsi we can sometimes eat up to 30-40 cones. It’s really hard to make modern instrumental music these days, since this genre has grown to be totally indifferent for the public. Luckily we’re all open for new things and happy to use all kinds of elements found in today’s music. Gergo Borlai .. .

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