Катя Chilly | es

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The nonconformist of Ukrainian music, the singer destroying all stereotypes about the format. A siren's voice, forcing to forget about everything in the world, a gingerbread face, a fantastic character, and a pure, childlike spontaneity. All this is Катя Chilly. Even if we reject all enthusiastic definitions, all the same to not avoid ascertaining: Катя is one of the brightest phenomena of Ukrainian music. Arguments in favour of this statement? First, originality of a genre in which the singer works. Vocals give the full right to consider a scenic image her unprecedented phenomenon in Ukrainian music. Yes, it is probable, and global also. Secondly, this singer cannot be mixed with anybody or even compared to anybody. She is unique, and her work is without paralell.
If we nevertheless speak about existing patterns, Катя Chilly's work can be assigned to the category of "world music". But this is only a conditional definition, because her songs are beyond any musical direction. Music is something much more than any definitions. This similarity of mantras is framed by masterly electronic arrangements.
In the summer of 2005 with company Ukrainian Records the singer has has released a super-single "Півні" into which the first single from a new album and remixes on it were also included. Above creation of remixes of known Russian and Ukrainian DJs worked: Tka4 (Kiev), Evgenie Arsentev (Moscow), DJ Lemon (Kiev), Professor Moriarti (Moscow), LP (Kaliningrad). As a bonus on a disk is presented the version of a track " Понад хмарами" (above the clouds) which Katya Chilly has sang with Сашко Положинский, and a videoclip of "Півні", created in technology 3D-schedules is new. The director of a clip became known Ukrainian artist Ivan Tsyupka. Katya's occurrence with a new material has marked a new stage in her music, the next step in musical evolution ...

Katya's Chilly star rose in 1996 when the actress for the first time has appeared on concert platforms and has presented material that can only be called revolutionary. Her debut caused a real shake-up in mass-media and a storm of delight in admirers. Katya became a symbol of the new Ukrainian music, a new musical alternative. The ethnic material in her interpretations has fascinated even those who have little interest in folklore. Under flags of admirers of Katya Chilly absolutely different people have gathered: representatives of generation "X" which waited for not sample music, adult admirers of the Ukrainian folklore and admirers of the "world music" phenomenon. Less year it was required to the talented girl to find the confident status of a star. Numerous interviews, participation in teleprograms, performance(statement) on the greatest and prestigious concert platforms of the country, a victory over festivals (including at festival « Червона рута »). Creativity of the singer has caused alive interest and from the western community. So, for example, in 1997 president MTV Bill Roudi has invited the singer to participate in programs of this channel. Katya's Chilly creativity have noted at various international festivals. Among them festival " Fringe " which passed(took place) in the Scottish city of Edinburgh. In March, 2001 Katya has acted with the concert program in London where has given more than 40 concerts. Katya's performance(statement) on the air was broadcast by company BBC. This company also has removed(has taken off) a clip (live) singers, which year was broadcast on air of the channel.
In 1998 Katya Chilly has let out(has released) a debut album « Mermaids in da House » which occurrence became sign event for development of the Ukrainian musical culture. Representatives массмедиа have christened a manner of execution(performance) of the singer « singing fine эльфа ». During the performances(statements) Katya Chilly really reincarnates in the representative of other world: it(she) as if(as) gets in a whirlwind of vibrations, becomes the medium of ancient inhabitants of the slavic ground. Katya knows about ancient history not by hearsay. In fact research above which Katya works in postgraduate study of the Kiev national university, opens secrets of attitude працивилизаций …
Restoring an archaic ethnic material, Katya Chilly gives it(him) unique modern interpretation. So finds a new embodiment a musical soul of people. .

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