The Maybes | es

Maybeshewill es una banda de post-rock con influencias electronicas, procedente de Leicester, Reino Unido. El grupo fue fundado por Robin Southby & John Helps cuando estudiaban en la universidad; pronto lanzaron un EP titulado Japanese Spy Transcript bajo su propio sello: Robot Needs Home, con Tanya Byrne en el bajo y Lawrie Malen en la bateria. El EP tuvo buena acogida entre publico y critica, lo que les lleva a firmar con Field Records, bajo el cual lanzan un Split con la banda Ann Arbor. Mas tarde, relanzaron su EP debut en Japon bajo el sello XTAL. En Mayo del...
All the members of the band are from the Anfield and Kensington districts of Liverpool, and were close friends before the band started. They have been performing gigs since around 2003, supporting other bands as well as their own shows. They are well known in Liverpool for their band name being spray painted in lots of places. Nick Ellis, the lead singer of the band, has said one of the reasons he started the band is that girls would come to watch them perform. In 2006, The Maybes? signed their first deal with London based record label, Xtra Mile Recordings....