Sturm 18 | es

Sturmwehr is RAC band from Gelsenkirchen (Germany), which is founded between 1993/94 by Jens Brucherseifer (guitar) and Rony Krämer (drums). Then Detn join the band as singer. They released first album "Zerschlag Deine Ketten" in 1995. Next year, in 1996. they released 5 albums, "Musik im Zeichen des Thor", "Stimme unserer Ahnen", "Nordisches Blut", "Nordland", and "Donnergott". Detn then left the band and Jens came as singer, from then on it was two men band. In the next years they realeased many albums, and on every album they played different style of music (Oi!, acoustic or even metal). Soon the...
Hungary based Martial industrial/neofolk/military folk band. Sturmast plays a unique kind of folk influenced martial industrial music. Far from being an instrumental one-man computer band putting some classical loops and battle sounds together, Sturmast is a collective fronted by Varga Gabor. Here real musicians play real instruments, thus introducing the good old band-feeling to the martial industrial scene. The music contains powerful, eruptive live drums (toms, snare, bass drum), haunting violin and cello, acoustic guitar, and a selection of traditional folk instruments (e.g. kaval, jaw harp). Even the keyboards are "live" recorded in some ways, and a considerable part of...
Sturmgeist is a Norwegian band founded in the autumn of 2002 as a solo project by Cornelius von Jackhelln (Solefald). Meant to be a Thrash/Black outfit, Sturmgeist took a slightly electronic/industrial turn while recording the Meister Mephisto debut album (Season of Mist, 2005) in Sound Suite Studio, France. Meister Mephisto's direct expression and martial attitude went down well with the listeners and critics who got what they expected: grim hardcore Metal without detours or surprises. Producer Terje Refsnes once characterised Sturmgeist's music thus: Pop songs in Metal disguise. In February 2005, Sturmgeist played before cheerful crowds in Paris and London,...
Der Stürmer, banda Griega (Atenas/Attica) de NSBM. Formados en el año 1998 inicialmente esta banda se formo de las cenizas de las bandas Lamentation y Nachtkaiser. banda con una gran trayectoria dentro de la escena NS Griega, abiertamente reconocidos nacional-socialista sus letras son explicita mente pro-arias y en apoyo del poder blanco, el nombre de la banda es un homenaje a Julius Streicher editor del diario antisemita Alemán Der Stürmer (de edición semanal activo desde 1923 hasta 1945). la temática de la banda son la exaltación de la raza aria, las tradiciones paganas de lealtad,valor,honor. antiguas tradiciones griegas -paganas y...