BRUNì | es

Carla Bruni de Sarkozy (Turín, 23 de diciembre de 1967), ex modelo y cantautora italiana nacionalizada francesa. Tercera esposa del ex-presidente francés Nicolas Sarkozy . El mundo la conoce como la esposa del presidente francés Nicolas Sarkozy, pero es mucho más que eso. A los 5 años fue por primera vez a París y se crió en Francia y Suiza. Comenzó a estudiar arquitectura, pero lo dejó a los 19 años para convertirse en modelo, a pesar de que no le hacía falta por ser la heredera de una gran fortuna. Desfiló para las firmas más importantes de Alta costura...
Bruni Bergeron (Bruno Bergeron, alias: B.R.U.N.I.), is a Trance/Techno artist from Montreal, Canada. Versatile and talented, he has produced many releases in the trance/techno genre, and is equally well-known for his talented remixing. .
Carlebach, stage name of William Chianese ( Villaricca , 15 September 1921 - Rome , 22 June 2003 ) was a singer , guitarist and composer Italian . Born in Villaricca , a small village a few kilometers from Naples , on 15 September 1921 , by Gennaro Chianese and Michela Percacciuolo. Nine years enrolled in a night school of music and became eleven player clarinet in the band of the country, thus creating his first experience as a musician . In 1938 , at seventeen, he moved with his family to neighboring Chiaiano , started working a bit 'as...
Born: Nov 21, 1949 in Bad Pyrmont, Germany. Keyboardist well known for ECM records with Eberhard Weber. An atmospheric, modal, minimalist player. Amongst others he worked with Nick Webb, John Parsons, Jan Erik Kongshaug, Klaus Genuit, Manfred Eicher, Greg Carmichael, Mario Argandona, Eberhard Weber, Charlie Mariano, Markus Stockhausen, Nana Vasconcelos and Trilok Gurtu. He also released a couple of solo albums on the ECM label. .
Encontró 199 canciones, duración: 11:42:44
Breath Me
Big Bruno
Brazil Tune
Grattis Bruno
Ripabottoni Brun Brun
Track 1
Bimba ricordati
Black Note
Ebrius Pastoris
Bruno Banani
Mil Canciones
Impressioni di settembre
Só Você
Game 16
Carta Branca
Track 7
Spusarizio 'e carrettiere
Bruno e Daiane
Brunetta di montagna
Rainbow in the Dark
Marca Evidente
Bruit Brun Bruit Blanc, Pt. 18
Bruit Brun Bruit Blanc, Pt. 16
Track 2
Sogno ad occhi aperti
Greenlight Groove