blissrock | es

Bliss rock is a another term for the "shoegazing" and "Dream pop" style of music. Coined by author and music critic Simon Reynolds in the late 80's early 90's. The tag itself is less derogatory then the original name by Andy Ross. Shoegaze, Shoegazer, and Shoegazing more or less describes the scene in British music history, whereas Bliss rock transcends borders, nations, and time.

Shoegaze, and Dream pop eventually fell out of popularity in the UK in the mid 1990's. However the backlash that was so prevalent in the Britain music press was not so in other parts of the world, where shoegazing remains relatively obscure. The torch of the genre was carried by fans of the UK scene, who grew up listening to Ride, Slowdive, Lush, Verve, and My Bloody Valentine.

By the late 90's, there was a subtle comeback of Bliss rock music. In the US, artists like Skywave, and Bethany Curve were not shy on displaying their audio influences. And shed much of it late in their discography to carve their own notch in indie music history.

By the early millennia, and the advent of online social networks, bliss rock was slowly gaining a comeback all around the world.

Presently the sheer number of bands derived from shoegaze and dream pop through out the world far surpasses the amount of bands that existed 20 years prior. .