I Built the Cross | fr

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Ex-members from Disfiguring The Goddess (We left on good terms and remain good friends), We, Reed and Garrett, explored our boundries by trying out a few different genres or music, and through the acoustic, hardcore, and pop punk, we discovered that in order to express ourselves in the truest form, metal was the only thing that got the job done.

Recently, we added Jason as our second guitarist and to this point he's been an incredible blessing, not only as a participant in the band, but as a close friend and family member. Without his amazing musical abilities for technical speed and smooth guitar writing, we're sure IBTC wouldn't be where it currently is and where it's climbing.

Soon after, we added our close friend and brother Zak on bass. His tireless laughing and great sense of humor really brighten our lives...despite the color of his skin ;) In all seriousness though, we're excited to see what he has to bring to the table...err...cross, we mean?

Most recently, we added Nathan on drums. Within minutes of meeting him, we fell in love with his genuine personality and desire to serve the Lord. After our first practice with him, we knew he was the one. .

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