Knockdown | fr

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KnockDown 2000-2002
"Knockdown was and always will be Zach, Tait, John and Nate. We started out as Full Contact in the winter of 2000. After several hundred practices we recorded our demo at Why Me Studios? I remeber handing the engineer Joe"the rose" the Hands Tied seven inch and saying we want it to sound like this. After we recorded we played our first show with The first step and Running like Thieves at the Mosh Mansion in D.C. I think that was also Running Like Theives first or second show but I'm Not sure. After playing several shows in Va. N.J. and Philly we were indirectly threatend by DMS. So we had to change our name, we were now Knockdown. This time no threats were made by Tre and the Boston scene. We then went on tour with No Warning, and Xthe GameX in the summer of 2001. We had a great time, our band was about friendship and fun. During that tour we heard a lot of shit being talked about us and our tourmates. We wanted to play music we loved and have fun doing it but the labeling and things being said really got us pissed. A lot of tough talk came from the internet on how No warning were a bunch of a cockey 14 year olds and how Knockdown were insincere and a bunch of wanna be skinheads. After that tour we recorded our seven inch, I think you can hear the progression on that record and see how the pussy messageboard chatter affected us and its outcome. Full Contact/Knockdown was a straight edge band, but there was more to our band than just a label. We were four truely sincere friends doing what we loved, which was making music, having a laugh and hopefully having a say. No matter whose lifestyle changed we are still best of friends and that's what matters the most."--Straight Tait .

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