Oax | fr

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It was time to come back home. After four years of heavy touring schedules with Bishop Allen and The Rosebuds, it was time to leave New York and head back South to his home of Houston, TX. Not the hippest city in the country, but that was sort of the point. What started as a open-ended hiatus from music and a venture into graduate school in architecture at Rice University, it didn't take too long before Giorgio Angelini started writing music again. Oh, and there was a break-up, of course. What record worth it's weight in wax hasn't been seeded by a good ol' fashioned heart ripping? Distance is, indeed, a killer.

Oax is the result. The name coming from the seemingly endless canopy of live oak trees that covers Houston like a carpet. Not native to Houston, the trees were planted by early settlers as a way to provide shelter from the punishing Texas sun. And lucky enough, they managed to thrive like weeds in the swampy bayou soup of Houston soil.

Angelini took his shelter in his home studio.

In addition to a punishing break-up, Angelini also lost his long-time musical collaborator, Cully Symington, to Okkervil River. In many ways, feeling backed into a corner and very much alone, the thought of recording alone, at home, was not a prospect Angelini was willing to undertake. In need of some companionship and collaboration, Giorgio called on Ivan Howard of Gayngs to come down to Houston and help record his one-man opus. Howard obliged.

This Distance EP is both an airing of grievances and a testifying of sins. It's due for release on 6th July through Bladen County Records. .

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